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The benefits of the Cairngorm architecture are realized when developing complex RIA applications with multiple use-cases and views, with a team of developers, and with a multi-disciplinary development team that includes designers as well as creative and technical developers.

by Adobe Adobe对Cairngorm的评价:Cairngorm框架是作为企业级的RIA应用开发的一个框架,所以如果你开发的是一个小的系统或者是原型系统,那么请尝试使用模型一来开发而不要使用CAIRNGORM因为他使用了分类试图,模型,控制器的MVC模式,使用这样的模式带来的好处在开发大型的应用的时候能够体现出来。特别是那些多视图,多控制器,一整队的开发人员的工程,同时包括了设计师,技术工程师等等。

The gaseous impurities in the alloys were well controlled with the sum of C, N and O less than 500wppm. For the first time it was found the strong interaction between Cr-Ti-CON, which reduces the mobility of Ti and CON, enhancing high-temperature strength and the aging-hardening property, and keeping the cold-work induced hardening at higher temperature. Aging-hardening could increase the tensile strength of V-4Cr-4Ti by 30% and could be utilized at 00 C for better economical performane of a vanadium structure. Hydrogen release will occur for the alloys tensile loaded at room temperature, which will affect the safety of a vanadium structure due to the resulting dimensional instability. For hydrogen embrittlement, impact toughness and fracture toughness of the alloy showed higher sensitivity than the tensile test elongation,so the toughness should be used as a new standard for the assessment of the embrittlement. Vanadium alloys were easily oxidized in air.


New type of water chemistry for utility drum boiler and its principle and characteristic Two kinds of water chemistry's main principle and characteristic are detailedly analyzed. Against the problem of high eroding speed, high Fe content in feed water and boiler water, high scaling speed, short chemical cleaning interval, needing poisonous chemical deoxidant, etc for drum boiler's deoxidization water chemistry and difficulty of using oxidation water chemistry, a new type of water chemistry is put forward on the basis of analyzing the characteristic of whole power station's water steam cycle system, principle of two kinds of water chemistry and their practical effect in every cycle stage. Considering two water chemistry's merit, a new water chemistry called Limited Oxidation Water Chemistry is put forward, which is a local slight oxidization no-deoxidant water chemistry. And the proposed method's principle, control parameter, applying condition, start-lay up and emergency measures are initially calculated and analyzed.


Quantitative exploration of population differentiation will benefit the utilization and improvement of wasp breeding; in-depth studies on the capability of avoiding superparasitism, host selection and adaptability of Trichogramma populations collected from different localities and hosts can produce some conclusions significant to Trichogramma application; studies on ovipositional behaviors are important for breeding improvement; co-parasitism is a common behavior among egg-parasitoids, and also an important factor affecting artificial rearing and field release; observations on inter-specific competition are helpful for choosing the most competitive natural enemies. This dissertation treated of the pragmatic aspects of the diagnostic system, i.


In chapter 4, basing theories and methods of scientific visualization, and artificial neural network BP algorithm, we integrate the Visual C++, OpenGL graphics library and Excel VBA technique to develop the program of artificial neural network and to make the BP algorithm visually, this program works can be divided into four parts: Using C language to develop program about BP algorithm; Using Visual C++, develop the GUI Interface, make input parameter visually; Using OpenGL graphic technique to display the training sample point in three dimension; at last using Excel DDE technique display the error graphic tables in Excel system In chapter 5, on the view of engineering application, we establish new method of surface reconstruction basing artificial neural network, develop interface program between module and commercial CAD/CAM system, meantime deeply discuss some key problems, for example, setting up the base plane, using the API technique, cutting and editing surface boundary, and also discuss the more compliant problem: how to intersect surface, at end we finish the work of translation from our surface reconstruction module to commercial CAD/CAM system, then make reverse engineering system basing artificial neural network more useful.

第四章基于科学计算可视化理论,依据人工神经网络BP算法理论模型,综合Visual C++,OpenGL图形库以及Excel VBA等多项软件开发技术,编制了人工神经网络程序,实现了BP算法的可视化映射。具体工作分为四部分:利用C语言实现人工神经网络BP算法;利用VisualC++的GUI技术开发图形用户界面,实现参数设置可视化;利用OpenGL图形技术进行三维映射,显示学习样本及训练样本点;利用微软电子表格DDE动态数据交换技术,在Excel上动态显示学习误差曲线图。第五章从工程应用的角度出发,提出了一种新的基于人工神经网络算法的曲面裁剪重构方法,完成了曲面重建模块与通用CAD/CAM系统的接口设计工作,对其中的若干关键问题进行了深入讨论,例如基平面设定、API技术的应用、边界裁剪等问题,同时,对曲面计算中较为困难的曲面相交问题也进行的专门探讨,最终完成了曲面重建模块向CAD/CAM系统的数据传输工作,使人工神经网络逆向工程系统趋向实用。

This dissertation provides a rigorous definition of Internet GIS based on analyzing lots of the latest theories and applications and thoroughly researching in the properties and problems of Internet GIS. The conception of Internet GIS including literal and mathematical description defines its computing model, application model and the relationship among software inscapes which are operation, data and flow, and so lays a solid foundation for theory research.

本文在分析了大量应用的基础上,综合当前计算机发展的最新动态,对于Internet GIS的特点和需要解决的问题作了深入和详细的研究,建立了Internet GIS的严格的定义,包括文字和数学描述,确定了其计算模型和应用模型以及软件构成三元组,即空间操作、空间数据、流动关系,以及它们之间的数学关系,为Internet GIS的理论研究奠定了基础。

This thesis makes use of complex numbers to study geometry. It mainly considers the following questions: using complex numbers to express collected points and curves on the level;geometric applications of complex numbers on collinear,concurrent,round,Mobius Mappings of Complex numbers problems,etc..Meanwhile,this thesis recommends some methods for thinking on mathematics.


The concept of CVM and the status of its development and application is introduced, the significance of CVM in environmental evaluation methods and its theoretical underpinning is analyzed, the available elicitation techniques or the question formats that acquire maximum WTP is summarized, various biases and their solutions are assembled together, and the statistical analysis methods of contingent valuation survey data especially the dichotomous choices data are introduced briefly.


At that time, due to an immature market factors, the lack of active market, fair value is often difficult to obtain, leading enterprises in the use of these accounting criteria There is a certain arbitrariness, and thus left to the fair value of the abuse of loopholes, a profit of manipulation "Therefore, the new guidelines on the new system and operational matters dealing with the economy as much as possible by avoiding the 'fair value' pricing, according to the book value recorded." 2006 promulgated by the new accounting standards clearly require the use of fair-value model, this is not only the application of fair value measurement of financial instruments from the non-financial tools to the change, as well as for the application of fair value of a turning point - by the controversy "is used" to the "How a" turning point.

原因是由于当时要素市场不成熟,缺乏活跃的市场,公允价值往往难以获得,导致企业在运用这些会计准则时存在一定的随意性,从而也给滥用公允价值留下空子,出现人为操纵利润的情况,&因此,新准则和新制度对有关经济业务事项的处理尽可能地回避了按'公允价值'计价,而改按账面价值入账&。2006 年新颁布的会计准则明确要求采用公允价值模式,这不仅是公允价值计量的应用由金融工具向非金融工具的转变,也是对我国公允价值应用的一个转折点——由争论&是否采用&到&如何采用&的转折点。

The study results of the thesis imply that the sandwich beam structural model, the viscoplastic model and the time-dependent damage model utilized have high numerical efficiency, and can meet the requirement for the real-time ability, while the model of continuous damage rate developed is potential to on-line application. Additionally, the fuzzy damage-mitigating controller has very well damage-mitigating effect, and may be suitable for on-line applications of service lifetime prediction and damage control for the LRE.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
