英语人>网络例句>广播公司 相关的搜索结果


与 广播公司 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This approach to writing is reflected in Ezra Pound's advice to young writers (in his 1937 book The ABC of Reading) to "buy a dictionary and learn the meanings of words" and TS Eliot's response when asked the meaning of the line "Lady, three white leopards sat under a juniper tree in the cool of the day" from Ash Wednesday (1927):"It means 'Lady, three white leopards sat under a juniper tree in the cool of the day'", he replied.

这种做法书面反映在庞德咨询青年作家(在其1937年的美国广播公司的图书阅读),将&购买字典和学习的意义&和艾略特的反应时问的含义线&夫人,三个白豹坐在了Juniper树在凉爽的一天&从圣灰星期三( 1927年):&这意味着'夫人,三个白豹坐在了Juniper树在凉爽的一天&,他回答。

As Sister Eucharia, she moved to Madras in India for missionary work.


The BBC's Steve Evans has been talking to some of the world's biggest moneymen.


Nevertheless, Maughan managed to answer some questions in the perfectly articulated monotones of a BBC announcer narrating a documentary about the mating habits of the wildebeest.


"TheArt in Zines," this year's exhibit at the ABC No Rio, a social centerin Manhattan that includes a gallery, was well attended "given that itwas pretty esoteric," says organizer Steven Englander.

&艺术杂志&,今年的展览在美国广播公司没有里约热内卢,一名社会中心在曼哈顿,其中包括一个画廊,踊跃出席,&鉴于这是很深奥,说:&组织者潘国englander 。

Yes, with our ABC widths measurements we have the means to achieve this very goal!


Despite the difficulties of watching television on a computer, there are more than ten million viewings of shows a week on the iPlayer, which carries BBC programmes transmitted over the past seven days.


Some Twitterers, including a former BBC manager with thousands of followers, have kept the story alive by trying to find the intern.


"What we believe to be true with such certainty could just be a sort of mass delusion, wishful thinking that the medical establishment inflicted on us, and it just snowballed," Taubes told 20/201 in an interview with ABCNEWS medical editor Dr. Timothy Johnson.

Taubes 在美国广播公司有线新闻网《20:20新闻透视》节目采访中对医学编辑 Timothy Johnson 博士说:&我们所深信无疑的可能只不过是一种普遍的错觉,一种医学界强加在我们身上的痴心妄想,而这种思想的影响就象雪球一样越滚越大。&

The talent contest win led to a tour with The Stranglers and a deal with CBS Ireland.

登台 才艺大赛的胜利让u2有机会参加The Stranglers乐队的巡回演出,并与哥伦比亚广播公司爱尔兰分公司签下合约。

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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
