- 与 并行计算机 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Any computer, in general, has its I/O processors running in parallel with the main system .
And we have given Hadamard matrix in detail in block design, coding and the specific application in communication., Hadamard code as a nonlinear combinatorial code has catered to the need of development of computer technology, stock systematic data and high speed for realizing and reliable access, request the error control code has not only little redundancy, but also can parallel encoding and decoding with high speed.
Moreover, other peripheral in communication with the ICH 38 may include, in various embodiments of the invention, integrated drive electronics or small computer system interfaces hard drive, USB ports, a keyboard, a mouse, parallel port, serial port, poppy disk drive, digital output support e.g., digital video interface (DVI, or the like.
The three states are transformed via two-dimension liquid crystal element and polarizators, and ternary arithmetic operation and ternary logic al calculus completed directly in this way.
The contents of the course include: what operating system are, what they do, how they are designed, and where they came from; a general history and explanations of computer system, and some discussion on hardware and the relation between operating system and other software; concept of process, process states and process control block, process queue, management of processes; concepts of sequent programming and parallel programming, process synchronization and its application, process communication; scheduling level and job state transition, job scheduling, process scheduling, and methods for scheduling; deadlock and its necessary conditions, deadlock prevention, control and recovery of deadlock; fixed partition, multiple partition and replacement partition memory management, swapping and overlays; page, segmentation and segmentation with paging storage management, basic concept of virtual memory management, and page, segmentation and segmentation with paging memory management.
Starting from the hardware configuration of the computer, a variety of hierarchies of control information at the microprogramming level is considered, the formal definition of microoperations is developed, and the microinstructions are organized based on the physical parallelism between microoperations.
A design scheme of motion control system based on parallel port of computer was proposed.
ABSTRACT This paper has put forward a new architecture of the multi-user parallel acceleration computer .
The multithread concept in the operation system is transplanted to the low level of the storage system.
For fault tolerance, to mirror the standalone database server is better than to mirror every computer node in cluster system.
这些计算机结点通过 MPI,PVM等消息传递机制或HPF等数据并行机制,向最终用户提供一个单一的集成的计算资源。针对机群系统,不同的研究机构作了大量
- 推荐网络例句
This brought fixed cost, but it also is meant at the same time use a source to won't make you singlehanded assume a problem.
He gained a small fortune in real estate.
Well I do not accept second-place for the United States of America.