英语人>网络例句>平静的 相关的搜索结果


与 平静的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Some of you are waiting calmly, yet with excited certainty; others who feel excitement also h**e a large measure of "get this show on the road" impatience; and in some of you the energy of eagerness is overshadowed by "show me" doubtfulness. Then there are the majority of peoples, those who h**e no idea whatsoever that official recognition of other civilizations is imminent.


Some of you are waiting calmly, yet with excited certainty; others who feel excitement also have a large measure of "get th is show on the road" impatience; and in some of you the energy of eagerness is overshadowed by "show me" doubtfulness. Then there are the majority of peoples, those who have no idea whatsoever that official recognition of other civilizations is imminent.


A habit of mind is formed which lasts through life, of which the attributes are, freedom, equitableness, calmness, moderation, and wisdom; or what in a former Discourse I have ventured to call a philosophical habit.


He employs mechanisms more commonly associated with lavish "motion picture" productions for cinema: notably his trompe l'oeil cinematographic vision, manifested in elaborate chiaroscuro combinations of light and half-light; tight control of changes in perspective and arrangement of the cast in majestic tableaux vivants; and a miniaturist's hypersensitivity in committing human emotions to film, his precise handling of the camera capturing the subtleties of sadness, melancholy, and grief as well as of prolonged expressionlessness and impassivity.


The mullioned windows and the twinkling lattices are all ablaze with the red glory; the fading light flickers upon the leaves of the limes in the long avenue, and changes the still fish-pond into a sheet of burnished copper; even into those dim recesses of briar and brushwood, amidst which the old well is hidden, the crimson brightness penetrates in fitful flashes, till the dank weeds and the rusty iron wheel and broken woodwork seem as if they were flecked with blood.


The sea was roaring hollowly in the distance , the fields were bare and sere , scarfed with golden rod , the brook valley below Green Gables overflowed with asters of ethereal purple , and the Lake of Shining Waters was blue-blue-blue not the changeful blue of spring , nor the pale azure of summer , but a clear , steadfast , serene blue , as if the water were past all moods and tenses of emotion and had settled down to a tranquility unbroken by fickle dreams .


When she departed from her father's house forever, she had left a home whose lines were as beautiful and flowing as a woman's body, as a ship in full sail; a pale pink stucco house built in the French colonial style, set high from the ground in a dainty manner, approached by swirling stairs, banistered with wrought iron as delicate as lace; a dim, rich house, gracious but aloof.


But one day, in his territory breaks to rush to burst suddenly how good mousie have several unexpected visitors affected his tranquil life -- look not, does a heart not how good greatly bad wolf and three homeless family circumstances not how good young pigs, they come from the fairy tale kingdom, there calls Farr Quaid (John · Litt to match high) the tyrant is ruled now by one, he causes in the kingdom tyrannically the common people people have no means to make a living, their several are runs away from there.


He did not want the warm clover and the play of seeding grasses; the screens of quickset, the billowy drapery of beech and elm seemed best away; and with great cheerfulness of spirit he pushed on towards the Wild Wood, which lay before him low and threatening, like a black reef in some still southern sea.


Holiness━as I then wrote down some of my contemplations on it━appeared to me to be of a sweet, calm, pleasant, charming, serene nature, which brought an inexpressible purity, brightness, peacefulness, ravishment to the soul; in other words, that it made the soul like a field or garden of God, with all manner of pleasant fruits and flowers, all delightful and undisturbed, enjoying a sweet calm and the gentle vivifying beams of the sun.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
