英语人>网络例句>平静的 相关的搜索结果


与 平静的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the National Portrait Gallery's book of Mario Testino Portraits, a double-page spread of two of his works could be by wholly different photographers. One is of Madonna when she was filming Evita in 1996: black-eyed, black-furred, black-hatted, it accentuates the Material Girl's Mediterranean beauty in a composition as classic as a Sickert painting.

无论如何,我来了,这是天宫飘起了雪花,我们躲进了河畔停靠着的一艘船,倚窗坐下,身边就有海鸥和天鹅,雨夹雪打在窗玻璃上,我就这样一直静静凝望平静的河面和对岸的国家大剧院,仿佛听见捷克国家爱乐乐团的音乐家们再次奏起这包含作曲家对祖国无限热爱的《Ma Vlast》。

Things throng and laugh loud in the sky; the sands and dust dance and whirl like children.


Left after loudly told him that I love you, has nothing to do with you, love is your right to say that out, you calm memories of the past and Kuba, cried after the all stay in yesterday , Never to tap.


It entered into them, dreamy and languorous, weakening the fibres of resolution, suffusing the face of morality, or of judgment, with haze and purple mist.


Creeping closer through the swaying umbrage of the placid, viridescent shadows of the tranquil trees, Tyadara silently drew her steel longsword, hoping to remain unseen as she drew nearer.


In the calmest of times they'll share the warmth of your lap, provide a comforting purr, and nuzzle your chin when you need it the most.


One who is completely free from all possessiveness, is calm and serene in his mind and


By the whiteness of the pack-saddle, I could see Modestine walking round and round at the length of her tether; I could hear her steadily munching at the sward; but there was not another sound, save the indescribable quiet talk of the runnel over the stones.


The tranquil sea has sent out a series of restless signals: In the Gulf of Mexico, a deep sea fuel oils transfer post encounters the unclear object the attack to explode ......In the west Atlantic, a British imperial family submarine encounters the terror attack, the final ship destroys the human to perish ...... American sea scientist Denny is investigated the American Sea Academy of science's invitation the deep sea disaster which this a series of is bewildered.


He queried, secretly exulting at the language he had used, his swift imagination throwing the whole scene and atmosphere upon a vast screen along with a thousand other scenes from his life - scenes that were rough and raw, gross and bestial.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
