英语人>网络例句>平均速度 相关的搜索结果


与 平均速度 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The main work and the originality points of this dissertation could be concluded as the following parts:(1) To analyze systematically the mathematical model of LES of air flow in great space, under the case of isothermal and non-isothermal, as well as the combined action of buoyancy and strain. Some basic problems are studied about the LES application into airflow simulation of great space, such as boundary conditions, spatial difference scheme and time advancing scheme, time step etc., which creates the basis for the LES application to indoor airflow simulation.(2) Both the instantaneous and time averaged flow field of great space with multiple jets under isothermal and non-isothermal cases are explored with large eddy simulation method, and also discussed the dynamic characteristics and the law of fluidflow in the great space.(3) Based on the results of LES of the great space and the Fanger thermal comfort indexes, it is brought forward the concept of the series of dynamic thermal comfort evaluating indexes, which could be divided into thermal comfort index with time averaged properties PD, PPD, PMV, thermal comfort index with instantaneous properties IPD, IPPD, IPMV, and time averaged thermal comfort indexes TAPD, TAPPD, TAPMV, and transient situations time averaged thermal comfort indexes TTAPD, TTAPPD, TTAPMV. The differences among them and the calculation methods are discussed, and the four kinds of indexes are calculated with the thermal comfort index PD as an example.(4) Based on the LES results it is discussed the hot air stratification phenomena in air-conditioned buildings in the case with air supply and return registers on the ceiling and the case on the sidewall. The fundamentals of the hot air stratification are studied and the relations of estimating hot air stratification are brought forward.(5) With the advanced apparatus such as hot wire film anemometer IFA300 and laser particle field anemoscope, corresponding model test and site measurements have been done, which are compared with the simulation results and LES is proved a very promising method in air flow simulation indoor.


The uncovered tracts and the liver wound surface were managed by some of the methods combined such as high frequency electrocoagulation, titanium clamp, suture, hemostatic gauze oppression, argon-beam coagulation, protein glue adherence, and Endo-GIA switcher. The total operative outcome, operating time, blood loss, postoperative complications and postoperative hospital stay were summarized in order to assess feasibility and safety of the clinical laparoscopic liver resection.Results: 1. Laparoscopic liver resection with clamp dissection method needs only the ordinary laparoscopic equipment. It has a low cost but causes a little more bleeding. 2. Laparoscopic liver resection operated by microwave tissue coagulation method had very little bleeding when dissecting hepatic parenchyma. The operative field is clear and the cost is low. It is a safe, convenient and effective method. 3. Ultrasound dissector is a relatively ideal appliance for laparoscopic liver resection at present because ofless bleeding during operation. But the speed is slow thus prolongs the operation time. Its separating intensity is not strong enough, and it can only be applied to patients without hepatic cirrhosis. 4. Ligsure has clamp dissection and electrocoagulation functions. It can carbonize hepatic tissue including the tracts whose diameters are less than 7mm. It has some advantage in dissecting. However, it has the shortcomings of the clamp dissector during coagulating. 5. Hand-assisted laparoscopic liver resection can make use of the flexibility and feeling of the operators left hand.

结果:1、钳夹分离切肝法不需特殊仪器设备,只要具备常规的腹腔镜器械即可实施,成本低,肝断面较易渗血;2、微波固化切肝法肝实质出血很少,视野清晰,成本低,操作简单,是一种安全、简便、有效的方法;3、超声刀是目前较为理想的切肝器械,术中出血少,但是,切割速度慢,手术时间长,而且,切割强度有限,适用于无肝硬化的肝切除;4、Ligsure具有挤压粉碎及高频电凝止血两大功能,可使包括7~以下管道的肝组织碳化、形成焦痴,具有一定的优势,但是,也存在分离钳电凝止血的缺点;5、手辅助腹腔镜肝切除可以利用术者左手的灵活性及手感,便于术中显露、分离、控制出血等,可随意协助右手及助手的主要操作,缩短了手术时间,大大提高了腹腔镜肝切除的安全性,李朝龙等的改良方法,同样达到了手辅助目的,又节省了费用;6、小切口腹腔镜辅助切肝法可以使用剖腹肝切除常规器械及剖腹肝切除技术,操作简单、可靠,适用于肝左外叶切除及右肝第V段切除;7、Endo一GIA切肝法在离断肝组织的同时闭合管道结构,多用于肝左静脉、门静脉分支、管径较大胆管的切割,缺点是不能用于较厚肝组织的切割,而且价格昂贵;8、临床巧例腹腔镜肝切除均获得成功,手术时间最短1.5h,最长sh,平均125 min,多数在100 min左右,手术出血量最少50 ml,最多500 ml,平均1 78 ml,除2例合并严重肝硬化的原发性肝癌患者术后出现少量腹水,1例术后发生胆漏外,其余无并发症,发生胆漏的1例患者术后住院40d,多数在术后一周左右出院,术后住院时间5一40d,平均gd。

The average desired velocity of the drivers has been assumed to be proportional to the instantaneous velocity by M ndez and Velasco when a alternative model was proposed. Based on this postulate, the desired velocity of a single driver delineates to be proportional to the local instantaneous velocity in this paper, which is a property of aggressive drivers who all want to drive with the maximum velocity. However, the deriver does not occupy this aggressive characteristic all the time.

基于M ndez 和Velasc关于司机平均期望速度与瞬时速度成比例的假设,认为个体司机的期望速度与其局域瞬时速度成比例,期望以更大的速度行驶,然而并非所有的司机都具有这样的进取特性,为了抑制司机这样的进取特性,引入适应性公式来近似表达单个司机期望速度随时间的变化率。

There are many types of filtering methods, such as the limit speed filter and limit amplitude filter used in the program determination method, mean value filter, arithmetic average filter, sliding average filter, etc. This research adopts the combined average filter method that can eliminate the pulse interference.


The software SPSS analyze the data,the result indicates that there is no relation between rainfall intensity and the average rainfall terminal speed.


Flow disciplinarian of different PH indicator polymer solution and newtonianliquid in annulus line had been studied, and found speed distributing, vortex,streamline of annulus line, analytic flow field distributing in annulus and eccentricsituation and compared the results with prevenient schloar, some results different fromprevenient results are get, shch as the relation of average velocity and maxiumvelocity is not less with the viscosity exponent under the annular line, the fluid speedaffect the relation.

应用 PIV 分别研究了不同浓度的聚合物溶液以及牛顿流体在垂直环空管道中的流动规律,得到了环空管道中流体的速度分布情况、涡量情况、流线情况,分析了同心和偏心情况下环空管道内的流场分布规律,并与前人的计算结果进行了比较,得出了一些与以前不同的结论:同心情况下平均流速与最大流速的关系,并不是完全与粘性指数 n 值有关系,还与管道内流动的流动速度有关系,当速度较小时,两者的差别就小,速度大时,不符合这种规律。

First, the grain will be increase at double speed, second, a large scale "structure" builds by collision and coalescence of favorably oriented particles (namely primary phase coalescence), third, primary phase entraps the eutectic structure.

分别研究了浇注温度、拉坯速度、冷却速度等工艺参数对合金组织的影响,结果显示:在本实验条件下,浇注温度以650荀70'℃为宜;拉坯速度以8.4一9.6 cm/min为宜;二次水冷流量控制在1.0一2.0比为宜。综合考虑磁场强度B和冷却速度对非树枝晶组织初生相平均尺寸D和形状因子S影响的数学表达式为:D=A一ns二;。

Result The skewed parabolic profile is observed in CCA under 1:60 curvature and physiological average Reynolds number. As curvature and Reynolds number increase, the middle of horizontal profile appears sunken and the vertical profile is M-shaped. There are different profile shapes in different localities along the curved pipe.

结果 当颈总动脉的曲率等于1:60 时,在人生理平均流动雷诺数条件下,颈总动脉的速度剖面可用偏斜的抛物面来近似;当颈总动脉曲率增大或流动雷诺数增大时,弯曲平面上的速度剖面中部出现下凹趋势,垂直方向上出现M型速度剖面;沿管轴不同位置上的速度剖面形状不同。

Results:The incidence rate of syphilis increased rapidly in Jiangsu province from 10.59 per 100 000 residents in 2004 to 28.68 per 100 000 residents in 2008,and the average annual increase of incidence rate and reported case of syphilis were 28.42% and 28.68% in recent 5 years,respectively;primary and secondary syphilis cases were 69.75% in all syphilis cases;most patients were 20~39 years old,which accounted for 51.55%;the majority of syphilis cases were reported in the south of Jiangsu province.

结果:近5年来,江苏省梅毒发病率快速增长,年发病率从2004年的10.59/10万增长到2008年的28.76/10万,年平均增长速度为28.42%;报告病例数的年平均增长速度是28.68%;在上报的梅毒病例中,以早期显性梅毒为主,占69.75%,各期梅毒报告病例数均逐年增加,各年度梅毒病例分期之间有极显著差异(P 0.000 1)?

With comparing the reference values of the sensor-level, the Averaged Root Mean Square Error of position, velocity, and acceleration were found about 77.08%, 60.10%, and 32.31% improved. Also, the performance indexes of position, velocity, and acceleration with the local-processor were found to be larger (about 47.91%, 30.33%, and 12.71%) than with the global-processor, respectively.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


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