英语人>网络例句>平均速度 相关的搜索结果


与 平均速度 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The main research work of this paper are focused on following areas:(1) Based on review of the theory and methods on measurements of particle fields, a new idea for obtaining particle size and velocity distribution within a spray through imaging the particle field with a laser light sheet was put forward;(2) A DPIV (Digital Particle Image Velocimetry) system, is fit for velocity measurements of low speed flows, was developed and expended to particle size distribution measurement;(3) An arithmetic for particle velocity field reconstruction was developed, and the velocity distribution of water mist was also obtained;(4) A software system for particle analysis, which based on image geometry emend, de-noise and image partition was developed, the parameters such as particle size distribution, mean diameter, number of particles, minimum and maximum diameter can be got with this system;(5) A water mist system was developed and its characteristics, such as droplet velocity, size distribution, number of droplets and spray cone angle under different conditions were obtained from experiments with PIVS;(6) The measurement results of water mist characteristics with PIVS were compared and analyzed with the simply simulated results, and in addition, in order to verify the accuracy of PIVS, some experiments were conducted with the standard particles, such as glass-ball with known mean diameter of 50μm and 115μm, metallic coated tracing particle with mean diameter of 12μm;(7) Some experimental studies on interaction of water mist with liquid pool fires were conducted.

本论文的主要工作包括以下几个方面:(1)在对粒子场测量的相关理论和具体方法进行综述分析的基础上,提出了通过采用激光片光对粒子场进行成像以获取其粒径和速度等参数分布的新思路;(2)研制了适宜于低速流动速度场测量的DPIV(Digital Particle Image Velocimetry)系统,并使其实现了对粒子场粒径分布的测量功能;(3)研制了基于粒子运动轨迹的速度场重建算法,获取了细水雾雾场的速度分布;(4)研制了基于几何校正、去噪、图象分割等图象处理方法的"粒度分析软件系统",该系统既可分析给出粒子场的粒径分布直方图和平均粒径,还可给出粒子的数目以及最大、最小粒径等信息;(5)建立了一细水雾发生系统,并应用上述方法对不同压力条件下细水雾系统的雾场特性(如速度分布、雾滴粒径分布、雾滴的数目、喷雾张角以及雾化长度等)进行了实验测量研究;(6)对细水雾特性参数的PIVS测量结果与计算机简单模拟计算结果进行了定性比较分析,并利用平均粒径为50μm和115μm的玻璃球以及12μm的标准示踪粒子对PIVS系统的粒径和速度测量结果进行了实验验证,同时对其局限性进行了分析讨论;(7)对不同工况条件下细水雾与油池火相互作用的过程进行了模拟实验研究。

Twenty - three patients underwent ictus therapy of corticosteroids for (8±4) days. The extenuation time of corticosteroid' dosage was (33 ±26) mg /d. Of the 40 patients, 36 were IgG positive with an average A value of (0.91±0. 24) and 4 patients were IgG negative. Twelve patients ( 30%) were with type I avascular necrosis of femoral head, including 3 cases with unilateral left - necrosis and 9 cases of bilateral necrosis. The other 28 patients were without necrosis.

结果全疗程使用的糖皮质激素总量平均为4949 mg±2959 mg,糖皮质激素应用天数平均为24 d±5 d,其应用天数主要集中在16-30 d,使用冲击疗法的病例有23例,其持续天数平均为8 d±4 d,减药速度平均为33 mg/d±26 mg/d.40例患者中,血清抗体IgG测定阴性4例,阳性36例,其吸光度值平均为0.91±0.24。

This thesis is aimed to study the flow field in Circulating Fluidized Bed holier in cold state based on the system of Particle Image Velocimetry, Several parts are included: the distribution of particles velocity in CFB boiler including radial velocity and axial velocity of particles; the average radial and axial concentration distribution of particles in CFB boiler; the average radial and axial size distribution of particles in CFB boiler.


Thus LES is proved to be suitable to simulate the flow and temperature fields of large scale vortices with complex geometric boundaries. LES cooperated with the second order full extension ETG finite element method is applied to simulate the forced convection heat transfer around two square cylinders arranged side by side. While the boundary conditions are symmetrical, the time history and power spectrums of drag coefficient, lift coefficient, averaged Nusselt number at the wall, and the streamwise velocity and temperature on the symmetrical points are calculated. The results show that the power spectrums are all almost symmetrical.


Along with increment of mean photon number, there is no change in the oscillation period of the squeezing curve, but its scope increases obviously and its stability begins to reduce; when the mean photon number and the field mold structure fixed, the speed of moving atom has a great infection on the extent and period of the radiation squeeze. With the speed of moving atom increasing, not only the complete squeezing effect would be archived, the stability would also enhance.


The analytical method is always used due to the large amount of the objects and not very high accuracy of forecasting. A method based on the position and velocity derived from the mean orbit elements directly is given, which is to avoid the problem of singularity in calculating the periodic terms of orbit elements variation, thus the process and software can be simplified.


Results showed that the grain filling rate were faster in prophase and metaphase of filling stage than anaphase, when the date of average temperature preponderate ranges 27.9℃ to 29.8℃ after heading stage 20d. But when the date of average temperature preponderate ranges 25.2℃ to 25.9℃ after heading stage 20d, the results were reverse.

结果表明:优质食用稻籽粒灌浆后20d日平均温度在27.9 ̄29.8℃时,籽粒灌浆前、中期速度快,后期速度慢,整精米率相对较低;籽粒灌浆后20d日平均温度在25.2 ̄25.9℃左右时,籽粒灌浆前、中期速度慢,后期速度快,整精米率相对较高。

There was a good correlation between Ptw,AVCtw,MVOtw,PTV,PUV,UntwR and age.2.Assessment of left ventricular twisting and untwisting of DCM patients19 DCM patients(range 18-80 yr,mean age 50.52±17.52 yr,2 females) and 21 age- and sex-matched normal controls(range18-80 yr,mean age 49.05±16.94 yr,5 females) were enrolled into this study.Then DCM patients were divided into two groups:E/A<2 group and E/A>2 group.The routine echo showed the left ventricle dilated and EF decreased.The results show that LV rotation degree, rotation velocity at baseline and apex were irregular changeable with the cardiac cycle;the rotation direction was clockwise at the base and counterclockwise at the apex,and are combined to yield a systolic counterclockwise twisting as seen from the apex,but the rotation at the basal and apex were the same direction in some patients.

扩心病患者左室扭转及解旋特征的研究选择扩张型心肌病(Dilated Cardiomyopathy,DCM)组患者19例(男性17例,女性2例,年龄18~82岁,平均50.52±17.52岁),健康体检者21例(男性16例,女性5例,年龄18~80岁,平均49.05±16.94岁)作为对照组,扩心病患者按照E/A分为E/A<2、E/A>2两个亚组,结果显示:常规超声显示DCM组LVDd值增大,EF值减小;DCM患者左室心底部与心尖部心肌旋转角度、旋转速度随心动周期变化曲线明显紊乱;与正常组比较,DCM患者左室整体扭转角度和速度分别为(6.49±1.82)°、(67.84±15.60)°/s,较正常人显著减低P<0.01左室舒张末及收缩末扭转角度DCM患者较正常人显著减低(P<0.01,左室舒张末及收缩末时间在DCM-E/A>2组较正常人及DCM-E/A<2组显著缩短P<0.01DCM患者左室解旋速度较正常人亦显著减低(P<0.01,左室功能轻中度减低(DCM-E/A<2)患者解旋率[(0.29±0.07)%]较正常人[(0.42±0.11)%]明显减低,但当左室功能重度减低(DCM-E/A>2)时左室解旋率[(0.63±0.35)%]较正常人反而增加;左室整体扭转角度、舒张末扭转角度、收缩末扭转角度、解旋与左室射血分数未见明显相关性。3。

By regression of experimental data, therules of the linkage between these factors, which will provide a theoretical basis for designing BBP with different scales.3 Using thermal analysis technology and dynamic thermogravimetry, the paper studies combustion kinetic characteristics of 3 types of agricultural crops at different rate of temperature rise, and thus, achieved dynamic parameters of these fuels at different rate of temperature, established dynamic model of straw combustion, which reflects the dynamic process in the fast combustion area.4 Characteristics of straw briquette combustion was experimented, focusing on the impact of straw type, temperature, air supply, and density, diameter, and weight of briquette on the combustion speed, and the following conclusions were drawn:(1) combustion of straw briquette fuel is static permeation diffusion combustion;(2) temperature has a larger impact on the speed of straw briquette combustion than air supply; the higher the combustion temperature is, the faster volatilizable component separates out, and the less steady the combustion is;(3) density of briquette fuel has impact on the speed of volatilizable component separation and therefore the combustion speed;(4) increase of diameter and weight of briquette fuel increases the average combustion speed in the initial stage, and that in the later stages is comparatively steady;(5) the proportion of volatilizable component in straw briquette fuel is high, therefore, the temperature control during combustion under the rational ventilation condition is essential to ensure its safe combustion.5 Using the above-mentioned results of experiments and theoretical analysis, and based on thought of hydraulic driven and bi-direction compression, the hydraulic system and compression parts of the HBP BBP are re-designed in terms of industrialization.

利用热分析技术,采用动态热重实验法,对我国的三大农作物秸秆在不同升温速率下的燃烧动力学特性进行了较系统的研究。得到了各原料在不同升温速率下的动力学参数;建立了秸秆燃烧的动力学模型,该模型反映了秸秆迅速燃烧区的动力学过程。 4 对秸秆成型燃料的燃烧特性进行了试验研究。着重研究了秸秆河南农业大学博士学位论文巫的种类、温度、空气供给量、成型燃料密度、直径、质量对成型燃料燃烧速度的影响并得出如下主要结论:①秸秆成型燃料的燃烧方式属于静态渗透式扩散燃烧。②秸秆成型燃料燃烧速度受温度的影响大于通风量燃烧速度的影响:燃烧温度越高,挥发分析出速度越快,燃烧平稳性愈差。③成型燃料密度影响成型燃料挥发分的析出速度,影响燃烧速度。④成型燃料直径和质量的增加,使得燃烧初期的平均燃烧速度增大,中后期的平均燃烧速度相对平稳。⑤秸秆成型燃料含挥发分比例高,因此合理配风下的控温燃烧是保证其完全燃烧的关键。 5运用已取得的试验和理论分析结果,以液压驱动、双向成型为基础,从产业化的角度对HBP型成型机进行了液压系统和成型部件的改进设计;同时采用了二级预压机构,使该成型机的生产率达到 500kg.hd;单位能耗 60kwh。上'左右,磨损件修复周期 300小时左右,基本解决了影响生物质固化技术在国内推广的技术难题。

According to the energy conservation theory, BOM and CSIM4 were coupled. The BOM has no treatment on transmission solar radiation, which is of great importance when the model is adapted to Arctic Ocean. So the treatment was introduced to BOM. Through numerical test on different lead albedos, it was found that sea ice thickness is not so sensitive to lead albedo, which may be contribute to the lead occupies little ratio within multiyear sea ice pack. The reason of summer over-melt of arctic sea ice is the NCEP reanalysis downward solar radiation being larger than its reality. Then the arctic sea ice climate variability was simulated. Results showed that: simulated ice thickness change is in accord with the submarine investigated mean sea-ice draft changes. Simulated annually maximum ice thickness along the Eurasian continental oceans are closely related to the observed ones. The long-term mean simulated ice motion has the same features of the SSM/I derived ice motion. Sea ice extents in differential sub-regions have same trends comparing to the satellite passive-microwave data derived ones. Simulated ice concentration is closely related to the observed in the Arctic sub-regions. Sea ice flux through the Fram Strait involves ice concentration, motion and thickness. It is a composite criterion for sea ice model evaluation. The simulated ice area and volume export through the strait accord with the satellite derived or statistically reconstructed ones.(5) The simulated ice thickness climate variability and mean sea surface current of the coupled model were analyzed, results showed: the total ice volume in the Arctic Ocean has a significant decreasing trend. The volume variability is of a 10-year timescale oscillation, with two major periods of 12-13a and 18-20a. Mean ice thickness in the arctic sub-seas has different tendencies. It has an increasing trend in the Barents-Kara Sea and Baffin Bay-Labrador Sea, and decreasing in the others. The characteristic time scale of 7-10a wherein the river discharges leads the Fram Strait ice volume export is about the period that river water takes to be conveyed across the Arctic Ocean.(6) Using the simulated ice distribution in the Arctic Ocean and China precipitation, air temperature and SST in tropical key regions, the climate teleconnection were studied. Result showed: When the mean sea ice thickness is large in the central Arctic Ocean and Chukchi-Beaufort Sea , and small in the Barents-Kara Sea and Baffin Bay-Labrador Sea , the precipitation in South China, Tibetan Plateau, and the north part of Northeastern China are always smaller than normal, and v. v. When the mean ice thickness is small in CA, BC, East Siberian Sea and Greenland-Iceland-Norwegian Sea , and large in BL, The air temperature in north-eastern China, the southern of Tibetan Plateau, and Hainan Island, are always lower than normal, and v. v. In addition, when the sea ice is thick in BC and BL, the SST is larger in the middle and eastern Pacific Ocean, and is smaller in the tropical Southeastern Indian Ocean.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


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