英语人>网络例句>干预主义 相关的搜索结果


与 干预主义 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It is generally featured by utilitarianization of educational function, pan-class consciousness in education, extreme measures to cultivate citizens training, and bureaucratization of educational administration.


Gaullism then absorbed socialist ideas to create a new national mantra, a melange of strong dirigisme in economy and unyielding independence in foreign policy.

戴 高乐主义吸纳了社会主义思想并创造了一个新的全民大魔咒——强大的国家干预经济和强硬的自主外交政策的混合体。

Hobhouse was no laisser faire fanatic but a so-called New Liberal who supported pragmatic government intervention but resolutely opposed all forms of state worship, which he believed had culminated in the horrors of the first world war.


When Keynesianism prevailed in America in the 1950s, the government's interference became a vogue. Samulsen's principles about the belongingness of public products were treated like Bible, dogmatism made people firmly by believe the absolute incommunicability between public operation and private operation.

康宁的《走进哈佛课堂》(2004)描述 Goldsmith 的讲课时有这样一段话(82-83页):美国20世纪50年代凯恩斯主义盛行的时候,政府干预成为时尚;而萨谬尔森关于公共产品的归属原则也如同圣经一样,教条主义使人们对公私经营的无交流之处坚信不疑。

It is necessary to live and to serve God in a cheerful and happy frame of mind: sadness and sorrow darken the soul and interfere with communion; hence the injuriousness of asceticism.


As a result, the intervenor will be in a dilemma and so we must try to find out the best path to the incentive and the mode of the regulation on the basis of the human nature character of the economic man .


In the American economy , the balance between laissez-faire and government intervention has not been constant over time.


Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Syria were once pillars of pan-Arabism but Syria has drifted into an ever-tighter orbit around Iran, a country viewed by America's Arab allies as an alien meddler in their affairs.


Transnational feminist practice is a continued critical intervention of feminist scholars and activists in response primarily to the ever-penetrating processes of globalization: the expanding transnational flow of capital, technology, and people, and the long-existing colonialist/neocolonialist or imperialist mode of knowledge production and circulation.

跨国女性主义实践(Transnational feminism practice)是女性主义学者与积极分子对不断持续扩展的全球化进程的批判性干预。全球化进程主要是指日渐增长的跨国资本、技术、人口的流通,与由来已久的殖民主义/新殖民主义(colonialist/neocolonialist)或帝国主义模式的知识生产及传播。

French dirigisme , a tradition of state intervention reaching back to Louis XIV's finance minister, Jean-Baptiste Colbert, has delivered not just fast trains but nuclear energy and a municipal soccer pitch in every commune.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
