英语人>网络例句>干经 相关的搜索结果


与 干经 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

We analyzed optical physical lazy people want to do, people can be lazy brain stem do not want to light.


The thesis can be divided into five parts as follows: First, the structural characteristics of finned-pipe evaporator are analyzed. After selecting suitable microelement controller, the heat-transfer and mass-transfer processes are analyzed for every microelement under the conditions of dryness, wetness and frostiness. Based on previous equations, some parameters of frostiness are confirmed and the frost-growing model is set up under frost condition. Some hypotheses are postulated and with the help of the equation of mass-conservation, energy-conservation and momentum-conservation, the evaporation model which fits in the dynamic simulation is built, which set a solid foundation for system simulation. Second, the starting and stopping behaviors under disturbed condition are analyzed and calculated by using the dynamic concentrative parameter model, which gives some advice to better prescribe refrigeration system and set theoretic foundation for carrying out automatic control of refrigeration system. Third, the normal running process is analyzed and calculated by means of rational matching theory, which gives some advice on how to better understand the parameter change under steady state and the affection of inlet-parameter on evaporator. Fourth, the simulation software with dynamic characteristic is designed, which can be applied to calculate thernio-parameter of cryogen, air humidity and frost thickness under different initial and boundary conditions, and to carry out dynamic simulation under conditions of dryness, wetness and frostiness, at the same time, to achieve detection and simulation at any stage from starting to stopping.

本文的主要内容如下:1对翅片管蒸发器结构特点进行分析,选取适当的微元控制体,就干、湿和霜工况下对每个微元分别进行传热传质分析,基于经验关系式确定霜的有关参数,对于霜工况下的霜生长建立模型,经适当假设,运用质量守恒、能量守恒和动量守恒方程建立适合动态仿真的蒸发器数学模型,为系统仿真奠定基础; 2对蒸发在大扰动下的开、停机过程,运用动态集中参数模型进行分析和计算,为更好地描述制冷系统运行的全过程奠定基础,同时也为制冷系统实现自动控制提供一定的理论基础; 3对蒸发器正常运行过程,运用动态分布参数和参数间定量耦合的观点来分析和计算,为更好地了解稳态工况下各点参数的变化情况及各入口参数对蒸发器动态特性的影响即蒸发器性能对各参数变化的敏感性; 4编写翅片管蒸发器动态特性仿真计算程序,可以计算不同边界条件和初始条件下的制冷剂热力参数、空气温湿度和霜厚度分布场,实现对翅片管蒸发器在干、湿和霜工况下的动态仿真。

The other dishes most associated with Nanjing include Hui Lu Gan, a kind of fried beancurd flapjack; Xiao Long Baozi and Shao Ya, another duck dish, this one roasted giving it a yellow/brown skin.


Under the effect of air pressure produced by air pump, Electronic Foamer makes the diluted carpet cleanser produceplentiful and high-density foam, which will make the dirt react with the cleanser. When the dirt comes into crystal and suspends on the carpet surface, one wet/dry vacuum cleaner is needed to suck the crystal away until perfectcleaning performance.


Has established the Avey rhzomorph through the field test remains the analysis method in the sea cabbage and the soil, and remained to it in the sea cabbage and the soil has carried on the determination, the sample with the methyl cyanide extraction, after extracting the revolving concentration nearly did, with the few methyl cyanides dissolves, passed through PRS the solid phase extract column to purify again, eluent air-dried after the nitrogen with the nitrogen methyl imidazole and the trifluoroacetic acid bitter wine grows, the derivative with the highly effective liquid chromatography analysis, used the external standard legal quantity.


By the provincial quality inspection center and the analysis of the Ministry of Agriculture and spring potato starch containing 33%, 45% of the dry summer potato powder with 26.07%, 39.7% with a dry mg VC27.8%, fiber 1.11%, 1.34% crude protein , by the National Quality Research Center, Xuzhou Sweetpotato analysis and disease identification, Xu potato starch production 18 production 20%, high resistance to stem nematode, root rot resistant, and suitable for potato area in the spring to promote the general spring potato yield 3500-6500 kg, the top national leading indicators.


The results showed that the optimum operating parameters for steaming treatment were as follows: temperature was 95℃, time was 60 s, for tunnel-type drying production line, the loadage was 5.0 kg/m2, hot air temperature was 85℃, wind speed was 1.5 m/s, and for industrial microwave drying production lines, material thickness was 15 mm, drying power was 16 kW, drying time was 90 s.

结果表明,在蒸汽温度95℃,汽蒸时间60 s;隧道式干燥生产线装载量5.0 kg/m2,热风温度85℃,风速1.5 m/s;微波干燥生产线铺料厚度15 mm、干燥功率16 kW、干制时间90 s的条件下,所生产的干制黄花菜经农业部食品质量监督检验测试中心检测其感官、理化和微生物指标均达到了《无公害食品—干制金针菜》NY5186-2002所规定的一级品标准。

The garlic Institute of Mechanical Technology, is part of the subordinate units, concentrated in the more than Xuhuai agricultural machinery, electrical and mechanical experts, and the many universities and research institutions, some 10 state-level annual returns for utility model patents and inventions, the Years of research developed a series of mechanical garlic, garlic peeling machine dry, garlic-valve machine, garlic field harvesting machines, the state invention patents, dry garlic is offline researchers with the Chinese company Nanjing Agricultural Machinery Institute of the Ministry of Agriculture research, The two of the latest patented technology products, the processing volume, from a net rate of injury rate on the three indicators have more breakthroughs in the dry and peeling machine output per hour breakthrough 500 kg, up to 800 kg / hour (the current market airflow Peeling machine 3 - 5 times).

本大蒜机械研究所是隶属于科技局的下属单位,集中了徐淮地区多名农机、机电专家,与全国多所大学和科研机构合作,每年申报十几项国家级发明和实用新型专利,经多年攻关研制出系列大蒜机械,其中大蒜干式脱皮机,大蒜分瓣机、大蒜田间收获机,获国家发明专利,干式大蒜脱机是公司科研人员与中国农业部南京农机研究所合作攻关,联合两项专利技术的最新产品,在加工量、脱净率,损伤率三项指标上有较大突破,使干式脱皮机每小时产量突破500kg,最高达800 千克/小时(是当前市场气流脱皮机的 3 — 5 倍)。

The herbicides in the sample was extracted with ethyl acetate. The extract was decanted into a flask through a filter paper, then the filtered solution was concentrated to dry. The dry sample was dissolved and added to 5 mL with acetone-n-hexane (30:70, V/V). It was cleaned up by Florisil, concentrated again. The sample was dissolved and adjusted to 1mL with acetone.

匀浆后的草莓试样用乙酸乙酯进行提取,提取液经滤纸过滤后收集,再浓缩蒸干,用丙酮:正己烷(30:70, V/V)溶液溶解至5ml,经Florisil固相萃取柱净化,吹干后用丙酮定容,供气相色谱-质谱联用仪进行测定。

The effect of different dehydration methods on the quality of dried fish, its moisture content, and water activity were studied systematically in our experiment, which will provide useful input for mechanically processing half-dried salt-cured saltwater fish .


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Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
