英语人>网络例句>常压 相关的搜索结果


与 常压 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This phenomenon which is similar to liquid is validated under normal temperature and pressure on the surface of pure metal, alloy, mylonitic quartzite, gabbros et al. using metallographic microscope, TEM, SEM, AFM and X-ray diffractometer based on preceding researchers. The phenomenon reveals a new matter existence state in non-extreme arduous conditions, besides the well-known states, gas, liquid, solid and liquid crystal.

本文在前人研究的基础上,采用金相显微镜、透射及环境扫描电子显微镜、原子力显微镜和X 射线衍射仪等观测仪器,对纯金属、合金和非金属材料糜棱状石英岩、辉长岩等进行观察,验证了在常温常压下,这些材料中存在着一种未被人们认知的,具有类似流体特征的非线性振荡现象——&类流态&现象,是一种非极端条件下新的物质存在状态。

Noncondensible gas(7%~33%,consisting of CO,CO2,H2 and C1-C2 hydrocarbons),liquid(water and oil phases,26%~45%)and solid residues(31%~51%)were collected after microwave heating of waste PCB.


Silica coating was prepared by atmospheric pressure chemical vapor deposition taking HP40 steel plate as substrate,tetraethyl orthosilicate as silica source,and air as carrier gas and diluent.


This paper hereby introduces the cooling process of the common 160,000 m^3-in-capacity atmospheric LNG storage tank in China, the preconditions and matters to which attention is paid upon the cooling of tank. It also discusses some commissioning techniques needed in the cooling process, including pressure control, cooling medium supply and its flow control, process monitoring and cooling rate control, etc. The paper points out that the displacement of pipelines is easily to be overlarge and flange leakage takes place frequently in the cooling process and it gives corresponding solutions.

为此,详细介绍了国内LNG接收站常用16×10^4 立方分尺常压LNG储罐的冷却过程,分析了LNG储罐冷却前应具备的条件及注意事项,讨论了LNG储罐冷却过程中的压力控制、冷却介质供应及流量控制、冷却过程的监控及冷却速率控制等调试技术,指出了冷却过程容易出现管线位移过大、法兰泄漏等问题,并给出了相应解决方法。

The air and the deionized water were considered as standard examples and the densities of diethylene glycol monobutyl ether were measured over a temperature rang of 20 ℃ to 60 ℃ with an Anton Paar DMA60 DMA602 vibrating tube densimeter.

以空气和去离子水为标准样,利用Anton Paar DMA60 DMA602振动管密度计测定了常压下二乙二醇丁醚在20—60℃间几乎每相间1℃密度数据。

Goodcatalytic activities of the phosphine palladium complexes were observed incarbonylation of benzyl chloride with atmospheric CO. In some reactions the yieldof phenylacetic acid was 91% and the catalyst could be reused repeatedly in severaltimes.


A process for preparing polysilicate aluminum ferrite coagulant from coal gangue and blast furnace sludge under normal pressure has been studied,determining the reasonable production craft and operating conditions.


First of all, three kinds of Si〓N〓 ceramics with different microstructure and mechanical behaviour were made by use of pressureless sintering.


The pressureless sintering process adding Y 2O 3 and Y 2O 3+La 2O 3 as sintering aids was studied.

研究了以Y2 O3 和Y2 O3 +La2 O3 为烧结助剂的Sialon陶瓷的常压烧结过程及其相结构。

Ceramic Products with complicated shapes could be produced easily and economically by pressureless sintering.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
