- 与 巨响 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
There was a dull rumbling sound and then, with an awful bang, Gustavus Adolphus exploded into fragments!
I turn head when looked, sees only, ash blue eye which a pair is also bright is cool penetrates to the bone, simultaneously on the flag stage a sound of something being struck or falling to the ground bang, is the flagstone falls in the ground broken sound, that airedale resembles, some pair of fearful ash blue eye's thing, is towing a long tail, turned around to run.
There was a boom. A torpedo fired from a U-boat had hit amidships.
Want trigger to be buckled only, blare, blood and fire can braid sad anadem.
Armed with an arquebus, this forerunner of the musket is capable of firing deadly armour piercing shots. This noisy, smokey and lethal weapon is so intimidating it causes morale damage as well as physical hurt.
We're in with a bang.
Yes. I didn't see the beginning of things, but I heard a very loud bang.
" "There was a big noise, and I was puzzled, Batiste said.
" 巴蒂斯特说:"当时先是出现了一声巨响,然后我就感到一片茫然。
They suddenly heard a booming voice warn everybody in the tent to evacuate it as quickly as possible because they were about to be under attack.
I was just pulling the bedclothes over my head to go back to sleep when there was another loud noise.
- 推荐网络例句
With Death guitarist Schuldiner adopting vocal duties, the band made a major impact on the scene.
But he could still end up breakfasting on Swiss-government issue muesli because all six are accused of nicking around 45 million pounds they should have paid to FIFA.
Closes the eye, the deep breathing, all no longer are the dreams as if......