英语人>网络例句>屈光检查 相关的搜索结果


与 屈光检查 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I find you have a pre yopia and ametropia .


Methods: Yan Shaoming examining stereopsis mean were used to observe the stereopsis threshold of 70 cases of normal children and 152 cases of children patients with ametropia and statistical treatment is carried out.

采用颜少明《立体视觉检查图》对 70例正常儿童及 15 2例矫正视力正常的屈光不正儿童进行立体视阈值测定,并进行统计学处理。

After inducing 1%~16% of the aniseikonia, there is no significant difference between double-screen ATBC and theoretical results. It illustrates that ATBC can reflect the ratio of the image size of the subjects'eyes successfully and it can be applied to clinical examinations as well as experimental studies.


Results In the 121 patients, 47 patients(39%) were accommodative failure, 66 patients(55%) were lag of accommodation checking with FCC, 53 patients (43.8%) were uncorrected presbyopia, 65 patients (53.7%) were break up time of tear film<10s, 87 patients (71.8%) couldn't been corrected the refraction errors or the correction of refractive errors was unsatisfied, 24 patients(19.8%) were esophoria, 17 patients (14%) were exophoria, 8 patients (7%) were anisometropia.

结果 121例患者中,调节灵活性明显降低者47例,占39%;FCC检查调节滞后者66例,占55%;未矫正老视者53例,占43.8%;泪膜破裂时间<10s者65例,占53.7%;屈光矫正不足或未予矫正者87例,占71.8%;内隐斜者24例,占19.8%;外隐斜者17例,占14%;屈光参差者8例,占7%。

Objective To compare the reflective error by retinoscopy with that by autoretractian in cycloplegic children's eyes.


Visual acuities were tested for 100 four-years-old children.All children were checked up refractive state by cycloplegic retinoscopy.

对 10 0例 4岁儿童进行视力检查,全部散瞳验光,个别儿童配戴眼镜,连续 10年追踪检查视力和屈光改变。

The patients complaints were recorded questionairs, routine eye examination were conducted (including vision acuity at distance and near, slit lamp findings, refraction, ocular pressure, and corneal topographer).


In posterior subcapsular cataract, there is disciform opaque beneath the posterior at early stage, composed of many dense punctates, with vacuoles and crystalloid granules among them, similar to the surface of slag brick called disciform cataract too.


Methods 23 cases with muscular asthenopia caused by exophona were included in our study. After examination of refraction, phoria, AC/A and fusion function, all cases were given prism correction and fusion training based on refraction correction.


Methods To analyze the random-dots-stereopsis with near-to-zero, crossing and uncrossing disparity and Titmus stereopsis in 38 patients with intermittent exotropia.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
