英语人>网络例句>层化 相关的搜索结果


与 层化 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It is considered that the source of minerals etc mainly comes from the pyritization sources of the submarine volcano eruption.


As to the levels of the public organization,the middle levels will reduce step by step and the public organization will be flatten,but the change of the number of the middle management is uncertain,it is possible to decrease、keep and increase the number of the middle management. As to the form of public organization,it will become networked、virtual and flexible. As to the distribution of the power of decision-making,the information technology improves the ability of decision-making of whole public organization and cause the redistribution of the decision-making power,recentralization and decentralization can coexist in the public organization,which depends on many factors.


It was found that even in strong oxidizing atmosphere,the reoxidation of reduced iron can be avoided or decreased obviously by a covering coal layer with only 10-15 mm in thickness,so that the metallization of DRI may exceed 95%in a wide range of operation parameters.

试验结果表明,在完全燃烧的强氧化气氛中,仅用10-15 mm的碳粒层就可有效地防止或明显减缓炉气对炉料的氧化,使海绵铁的金属化率在较宽的工艺参数范围内稳定地达到90 %以上,甚至超过95 %。

The resol phenol-formaldehyde adhesive could be prepared from liquefied wood (wood: phenol=1:2) in phenol at r(subscript F/P) 1.8, r(subscript NaOH/P) 0.7 and resinification temperature 80℃. The physical properties of the poplar three-layer plywood bonded with LWR were similar to those with normal PF resins and also satisfied the demands of I level. Free formaldehyde content of plywood (0.1 mg/L) was lower than the E0 level set by GB/T 9846-2004 Plywood.

结果表明,采用料液比为1:2的液化物,F1.8,r0.7,树脂化温度80℃条件下合成的杉木液化物树脂压制的杨木三层胶合板满足I类胶合板强度要求,各项物理力学性能与常规PF树脂压制的板材相当,板材的甲醛释放量为0.1mg/L,远低于GB/T 9846-2004《胶合板》中的E0级要求。

On the basis of summarizing and commenting upon the major studies of semantic orientation of resultative construction in modern Chinese, the paper claims it is insufficient to study semantic orientation of resultative construction only from the literal or formal logic point of view, but rather, researchers should take into account some subjective factors on the part of language users; then, the paper introduces Talmy's cognitive semantic approach to resultative construction; based on his theoretical framework, the present paper further investigates the internal causes of the diversity of semantic orientation of satellites in Chinese,supported with the data analysis; and finally, this paper concludes that it is the semantic and syntactic properties of the verb root that make these diversified semantic orientation possible, and their actual representation is finalized by the language user via different satellites.


If one's field or manifestation planes fail to be rewoven day after day, even if one has intended it so, this is a good sign that one has lost one's dragon souls and/or angels overseeing the ascent.


The results of observation on the microstructure of Karelinia caspica, Tamarix stromongolica, Salsola collina. Cheno Dodium glaucum, stipa bangenana show that the nutritional organs of these halophytes present some adaptability structures as follows:(1) sunken stomas, thick cuticle and orderly arrangement of epidermal cell;(2) equilateral leaves with developed palisade tissue, or squama-shaped leaf;(3) well-developed water-storing tissue in stems and leaves;(4) crystal cells, salt glands in most of the leaves and assimilating branches.


Even the Sirian Spiritual Elite tried to manifest manmade objects in the time that we studied under them.


This class of deposits is characterized by the abundance of iron oxide in the ores and the associated intensive regional sodic alteration. They may occur in Proterozoic intracraton or Phanerozoic continental margin volcanic arcs with nearby intrusive complex or evaporite. The spatially and temporally associated intrusive rocks are magnetite-series granitoids. Mineralization mainly occurs in second order echelon structures near the main regional structure.


Immunohistochemically, the new crescent yellowish endings and fibers of trigeminal axon were SP and CGRP radioactive with granular, pearl and reticular delineations, mainly located at the 1rt and 2nd layers of lateral nucleus caudalis spinalis nervi trigemini.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
