英语人>网络例句>层化 相关的搜索结果


与 层化 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

To evaluate the bioactivity of the glass-ceramics,the specimens were soaked in the simulated body fluid. The results indicate that fluorapatite shows needle-like microstructure, which is similar to that in human bone and teeth. The formation of needle-like fluorapatite is related to the heat treatment procedure, which results in needle-like fluorapatite crystals by accelerating one-dimension growth along the c-axis through the screw dislocation growth mechanism. The mechanical properties of the glass-ceramics are close to those of the human bone and teeth. The bioactivity test results show that apatite layer is precipitated on the materials surface after 3 d immersion in SBF, which indicates the glass-ceramics have a good bioactivity.

研究结果表明:氟磷灰石相呈针状,与人体骨和牙齿的磷灰石形貌相似,有利于提高材料的生物活性和生物相容性;氟磷灰石的形成是材料被迅速加热至高温进行热处理,使磷灰石以螺旋位错生长机制沿c轴晶化长大所致;经热处理获得的材料具有优良的力学性能,基本满足骨科和齿科用生物材料的性能要求;材料在体外模拟体液中浸泡3 d后,样品表面已有磷灰石层生成,表明该材料具有较高的生物活性。

Then, cellular PP films were modified by extraction, oxidation and fluorination in a hydrofluoric acid solution.


The effect of surface friction on the structure of front and frontogenesis is investigated by using the cloud model in which the large-scale deformation field is taken into consideration.


It lay emphasis on the research of Galerkin FEM equations for multiaquifers and its solution, and on the research of basic ideas and implementation of visual mesh auto-generation .


Looking back to its development process, we can find the gamesome characteristic of aesthetics, with which it was born, exists all the time.


The ability of multiple lineage differentiation and long term self-renewal make stem cells to be the most important "seed cells" in future regenerative medicine and the best tool for the research in human early germ layer specification and organogenesis, drug screen and gene therapy.


But in a large sense we cannot dedicate , we cannot consecrate ,we cannot hallow this ground.


Electroless Co-Ni-P thin film as-deposited was amorphous possessing smooth surface. The film was crystallized after heat treatment at 300℃ for 1 hour, and the surface of film was composed of "taper humps". When the film was heated, phase of Co2P deposited from the solid solution and allotropic transformation took place from hexagonal close-packed system to face-centred cubic lattice.

摘 要:化学镀Co-Ni-P薄膜镀态下为非晶态结构,表面较为平整;经300℃×1h热处理,发生了晶化转变,表面由"圆锥峰"所构成;随加热温度的提高,镀层析出了Co2P相,并发生了由密排六方结构的α-Co向面心立方结构的β-Co的同素异构转变。

As for the computer engineering design chain, the human-computer dialogue has been with the console layer design, hardware and software interlock circuit design, the implementation of circuit design, other design is what we need to complete the work For example, if the interface circuit, inter-market linkages as well as the code of the circuit, such as the outdoor part of the design of hardware circuits and wiring.


The characteristics of crystallization process of hypereutectic EN coatings were discussed from the viewpoint of thermodynamics and kinetics.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
