英语人>网络例句>局长 相关的搜索结果


与 局长 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The doctor's and the post-master's sons became 'mud clerks;' the wholesale liquor dealer's son became a barkeeper on a boat; four sons of the chief merchant, and two sons of the county judge, became pilots.

医生和邮局局长的儿子都成了&排泥手&(mud clerk,注1);批发酒店的老板的儿子成了某条船上的酒保;最大的商人的四个儿子和县里的法官的两个儿子都成了领航员。

A to possess, establish and maintain transmitting and receiving station for radiocommunications hereinafter called the 'Base Station

甲 在电讯管理局局长批准的地点,管有、设置和维持一个或多於一个作无线电通讯之用的发射及接收电台以下称为基地电

Surveying and Mapping Hubei Province, the first director of the Vocational Skills Competition Organizing Committee, the Hubei Provincial Bureau of Surveying and Mapping, introduced the Secretary Jiang-Ren Chang, as China's economic construction, national defense, social development, the development of a more urgent demand for mapping, surveying and mapping work more and more important role prominent practitioners of surveying and mapping to a higher demand.


Prior to becoming mayor, Zhou held various posts, including vice-director of the municipal construction committee and vice-secretary of the planning bureau in Xiangfan city in Hubei.


Honorable Dujiang, vice-director of national tourism bureau, and leaders, Ladies and Gentlemen


Any primary school teachers in 1972, 1974, Northwest Normal University to study, graduating in 1977 in a distribution of Jingyuan, successively as secretary of the Communist Youth League School, director of the teaching, 1990, he served as Vice-President, Pingchuan District in 1993 was transferred to the Secretary of Education, Secretary of the party branch office in 1995, in February 2000 Hirakawa any party branch secretary of the Secondary School (vice-county).

黄天布 1951年9月生,陡城乡牙沟水村人。1972年任小学教师,1974年入西北师大学习,1977年毕业分配靖远一中工作,先后任校团委书记、教导主任,1990年任副校长,1993年调任平川区教育局局长,1995年任党支部书记,2000年2月任平川中学党支部书记。

The financial community -- a branch of a commercial bank Beijing Branch Turning to the real value of the underlying causes of that information appears to be from another area confirms Wei, deputy director of view.


If you are not in a state of Zen yet, remembering past fly fishing experiences, then you probably are not yet an avid trout fly fisherman.


The first highway that organizes construction when him is when Wu Xi is enlightened, the predestined relationship Li Jian that thing of a blazing made he and long road knot fall to indissoluble from Chongqing traffic institute 1970 after bridge major graduates, be allocated to the remote and a mountainous area Wu Xi of Chongqing prefectural traffic bureau holds the post of technician, 1980 director of bureau of traffic of county of preferment witch brook.


Li Jiangping, deputy director of the Traffic Management Bureau, said Thursday the Ministry of Public Security will soon launch a new standard to make the designation of the bays a part of urban roads planning.


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The reasons of iron ions content overproof in grade Ⅱ desalting water system,such as variation water quality,contamination of regenerant , operation adjustment of pretreatment system and switching operation of bed were discussed.


You were hired to drum up new business, so go and do it.


Who is in possession of this?
