英语人>网络例句>局部效应 相关的搜索结果


与 局部效应 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Part Ⅱ Objective: To study the immunoprotective and the immunotherapic effects of the new nucleic acid vaccine of the hepatitis B: pVAX1-C3d-S2S; respectively in normal and HBV transgenic mice after being inoculated intra- muscularly with this Eukaryotic Expression Plasmid, such as the in situ production of the expressed protein in muscle tissue section and specific humoral immune response in normal mice、the variation of specific antigen、antibody and HBV DNA, especialy the changes of specific antigen in liver.

第二部分新型乙肝核酸疫苗pVAX1 C3d-S〓S免疫预防效应和治疗作用的研究目的:研究含有新型分子佐剂补体C3d的HBV adw血清型的乙肝核酸疫苗重组真核表达质粒pVAX1-C3d-S〓S接种正常BALB/c小鼠和HBV转基因小鼠后,其免疫预防作用(接种局部肌肉中特异性抗原蛋白的表达和所诱生的体液免疫应答规律)以及免疫治疗作用(血清中特异性抗原的表达、特异性抗体的产生、HBV DNA的消长和肝组织中抗原表达的变化)。

Bacterial pyrogen was injected into denervated rabbbitear and novocain blocked rabbit knee joint capsule to see whether pyrogen induces fever through nervous reflex mechanism via local receptors or not.


Because of the effect of orientation orders on the distribution of the reactive group, which was called the " pseudo-concentration effect ",the concentration of the reactive group in the ordered domain was higher than that in the isotropic domain.


The iron nanoparticles in inner core have good magnetism and targeting heating effect. The temperature can go up to 52 ℃ in the case that 0.1 g carrier (carbon-coated iron nanoparticles) is injected in a local point of pig's liver,while the temperature can go up to 42℃ in the case that pig's liver uniformly containing carrier of 0.4 wt.% and 45℃ in the case that pig's liver uniformly containing carrier of 0.6 wt.%. Carbon-coated iron nanoparticles also has good antioxidation and stability by an X-rays diffraction structural analysis.

铁纳米粒子磁场强,靶向效果好,有较佳的磁靶向发热效应,在动物病灶局部放置0.1 g碳包铁纳米粒子将能使发热温度平均升到52℃;而将碳包铁纳米粒子均匀与猪肝混合也有明显的产热效果:含量0.4%碳包铁纳米粒子的一组猪肝能将温度升到42℃,而含量0.6%碳包铁纳米粒子的一组猪肝能将温度升到48℃。X射线衍射表明借助于碳的包裹,碳包铁纳米粒子有好的抗氧化性和稳定性。

Our results indicate that EA has an inhibitory effect on the BK-induced pressor and ischemic dysfunction, which may be related with endogenous opioid peptide.


The C response of semimembranous and semitendinous myoelectricity evoked by stimulation to rat intraplanta with high intensive currents was used to illustrate the peripheral analgesic effect of BmK when given in local cutaneous sensory fields.


The effect of length due to shear localization is studied.


In order to overcome the disadvantage of volume effect and improve prospecting precision of MT, the paper puts forward a multi-channel telemetry method of stratum resistivity for linearity processing exploring depth and electromagnetic frequency in the local area, which creates a crresponding relationship between stratum resistivity and sounding line, and a multi-channel observation system is designed accordingly to explore the resistivity of underground ledge.


The empirical mode decomposition method is introduced to extract the trend item of gyro's drift, but the local mean estimation isn't precision and the end effects exist in the conventional EMD method. The two-tap adaptive time-varying filter and the adaptive border estimation are used to modify the EMD. After the trend extraction, the method of time series analysis is used to make the autoregressive moving average model for stationary time series.


Strontium 90 is an isotope with shorter radiation distance and dramatic local bioeffects which can occlude the vessels at the early stage. So it is acceptable by the patients for its simple usage and satisfactory effect.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
