英语人>网络例句>局势 相关的搜索结果


与 局势 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Ten years is a long time in this fugitive world.


An absolute worst case would be radical political unrest and five million boat people.-- and that's only amateur political futurology


Uefa's communications director, William Gaillard, who was in the stadium, said: I only saw glimpses of what went on; I saw some missiles flying and the police charging.

欧足联的公关部主任William Gaillard当时也在场,他说:我只是模模糊糊的看到了事态的发展,我看到了很多投掷物在乱飞,然后警察控制了局势

For the second half year, tax rebates may galvanize spending,but hangover of bubble in estate market won't vanish soon.


The death toll is rising in south xx as a Rush forigner minister says at least 50,000 people have died in Geogia ,Rushia forces have been launching areal attack against Geigia troops in the break away region in south xx Rushia president xx has said Mascow sent troops into south xx to force Geogia into cease fire ,he says all that happen Geogia must withdraw a troop from there ,the xx conflict stand 2 incress attention between Mascow and Washiton because Geogia is a US ally ,as the conflict continue ,Rushia prime minister xx Putin has arrive near his country' border near Geogia

南Ossestia的死亡人数目前任在上升,俄罗斯外交部长说在格鲁吉亚至少死亡1500人,俄罗斯部队对南Ossestia独立地区的格鲁吉亚部队发动了空袭,俄罗斯总统Dmitry Medvedev说莫斯科会继续派遣部队以迫使格鲁吉亚停火,他说格鲁吉亚同时也将会被要求从该地区撤军,这个持续增强的冲突同时也引起了俄美两国之间的紧张局势,因为格鲁吉亚是美国的盟国,随着冲突的持续,俄罗斯总理Vladimir Putin也来到了俄罗斯和格鲁吉亚边境地区

This price is not related to demand and supply at all. It is only related to geopolitics,he said.


We feel like this could get out of hand real fast.


We mustn't permit the situation to get out of hand.


We must try to get the situation under control.


I'll need to hire more orderlies if we're to get the situation back under control.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
