英语人>网络例句>尽兴 相关的搜索结果


与 尽兴 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I only remember being convinced that saying fuck would send me straight to hell, where you can cuss to your heart's content as demons stick red-hot pokers up your ass.


Their absence penalises both artist and viewer.


But the women she faced that evening loved her and her products, purchased $175 of goods, and TPC was underway. Working with her husband, Jay, Doris did $50,000 of business in the first year. Today – only 22 years later – TPC does more than $700 million of business annually, working through 67,000 kitchen consultants. I've been to a TPC party, and it's easy to see why the business is a success. The company's products, in large part proprietary, are well-styled and highly useful, and the consultants are knowledgeable and enthusiastic. Everyone has a good time. Hurry to pamperedchef.com on the Internet to find where to attend a party near you.


But the women she faced that evening loved her and her products, purchased $175 of goods, and TPC was underway. Working with her husband, Jay, Doris did $50,000 of business in the first year. Today – only 22 years later – TPC does more than $700 million of business annually, working through 67,000 kitchen consultants. I've been to a TPC party, and it's easy to see why the business is a success. The company's products, in large part proprietary, are well-styled and highly useful, and the consultants are knowledgeable and enthusiastic. Everyone has a good time. Hurry to pamperedchef.com on the Internet to find where to attend a party near you. Two years ago, Doris brought in Sheila O'Connell Cooper, now CEO, to share the management load, and in August they met with me in Omaha.

所幸当晚她所遇到的女性朋友们相当喜爱她及她的产品,总共买了 175 美元的东西,TPC 于焉诞生,在她的先生 Jay 的帮忙之下,Doris 头一年总共做了 50,000 美元的生意,22 年后的今天,TPC 的年营业额高达 7 亿美元,共有 67,000 名餐饮顾问,我自己也曾经参加过 TPC 的宴会,很轻易地就能发现这个行业成功的原因,公司的产品大部分都是独家专用,造型设计优美且深具实用性,而餐饮顾问的经验丰富且非常热心,这使得与会的每一位客人都尽兴而归,赶快上 pamperedchef.com 网站看看如何才能就近参加她们所举办的派对。

Instead, we played a short tennis session this afternoon which was sweaty and indeed fun!


If you like folk singing you'll get it in good measure tonight.


Unfavoured part is the rain!


Kristen tries to be a strong independent female and always makes a big deal out of going out with her girlfriends on V-Day.


His heart having suffered the ultimate rebuke, Reynaud's feeling of loss drives him mad.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
