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Why, I explained it, I settled that. If this marriage is invalid," he said, crooking his finger,"then it follows I'm not answerable for it. Well, and if it is valid, it won't matter. No one will ever know of it abroad, so, you see, it's all right, isn't it?
Clinical expertise refers to the clinician's cumulated experience, education and clinical skills.
就是说,Clinical expertise 是临床工作者积累的经验,所受的教育和拥有的临床技能。
For example, you have to ensure that any edits made to a page are appropriate by reviewing the content.
You could say our product facilitates people's daily lives.
Biologists have barely begun to tally life's feinting legions or trace the evolutionary and genetic details of each imposter's disguise.
即笨蛋无处不在。其言下之意就是说人是很好骗的。p.s :不过此句的语法有误。本博主注)。生物学家们对生命的种种伪装现象,对伪装者的进化和基因细节的记录和追踪才刚刚起步。
The advantage to employ a fictionized story is that it refers neither of teller and listener so its position is aloof.
Gavroche, habituated to facing the unexpected in all quarters, had everything about him. He fumbled in one of his pockets, and pulled from it a scrap of paper and a bit of red pencil filched from some carpenter.
That means a small layer of the bone flaked off and is embedded in tissue.
Like the Arcanum they pursue, such mages tend to be subtle, owing much less (despite what others might think) to bad horror movies and heavy metal than to a pervasive, cold and clinical outlook on Creation, one in which they have already perceived the destiny of everything and flensed away their fear in the crucible that is the knowledge that all things must die in time.
But when it has come to be an hereditary creed, and to be received passively, not actively—when the mind is no longer compelled, in the same degree as at first, to exercise its vital powers on the questions which its belief presents to it, there is a progressive tendency to forget all of the belief except the formularies, or to give it a dull and torpid assent, as if accepting it on trust dispensed with the necessity of realizing it in consciousness, or testing it by personal experience; until it almost ceases to connect itself at all with the inner life of the human being.
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Fancy gold-plated dangling earrings with facetted White Opal crystals.
This essay chooses the study aim from biology teachers in middle school in Shi Jiazhuang which tells us that most of the middle school biology teachers in Shi Jiazhuang have the"burnout", lower successfulness, individualize.
In measurements of a day,generallyspeaking,the photosynthesis of birch in mesophytic habitat is better than that in xerophytichabitat(peak values are 12.8,10.33μmolCO2m-2s-1 respectively);that of sexual birch inmesophytic habitat is better than that of clone birch(peak values are 9.87,6.71μmolCO2m-2s-1respectively);that of young tree is better than that of seedling(peak values are12.37,10.05μmolCO2m-2s-1 respectively).