英语人>网络例句>尖刺的 相关的搜索结果


与 尖刺的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

For example, a silver tabby can be genetically defined as: agouti, class ic pattern, black, silver inhibitor gene, and a moderate undercoat width.


Arachnid of warm dry regions having a long segmented tail ending in a venomous sting .


Ultimate segments of leaves linear, entire; fruit vittae 1 in each furrow, 2 on commissure.

叶的末回裂片线形,全缘;果油管每棱槽1,在合生面上2。 1 Peucedanum elegans 刺尖前胡

Obi-Wan nodded, scowling darkly at the ray shield box as though seeing it for the first time; after a moment, he took out his lightsaber again, ignited it, and sank its tip into the deck at his feet.


It is the first time that these phenomena were observed: Two nuclei are surrounded by plasma and locate at the central of the female gametophyte and the others nuclei are positioned at the fringe of the female gametophyte; Before the pollen tube enters the female gametophyte. the nuclei in chalazal end begin splitting of plasma and form multinuclear cell.4. The pollens of Gnetumc are spherical or applanate with single aperture. The ornamentation of exine is spine. The basis part of spine is lenience and the top part of spine is tip or obtuse sphere.

首次在买麻藤属植物的雌配子体中观察到2个游离核位于配子体的中央位置,且被一团原生质所包围的,其余的游离核位于边缘的现象以及花粉管进入雌配子体前,合点端的核已经发生胞质分裂形成多核细胞的现象 4、买麻藤的花粉近球形或扁平型,有单萌发孔,外壁表面具小刺状纹饰,小刺基部宽大,末端尖或钝圆。

Male flowers: yellowish green. Female inflorescences ca. 0.5 in diam.; bracts ovoid, 7-10 mm, papery, spinulose, apex acuminate.

雄花: 黄绿色雌花序直径约的0.5;苞片卵形体,7-10毫米,纸质,具微刺,先端渐尖。

Vena orbitalis posterior plexus blood collection method, Exsanguinated before the inferior vena cava blood(Around the trachea to the needle into the subclavian), cardiac puncture blood collection methods(To the left oblique line to the right into the needle enter the subcutaneous on the fourth and firth rib), femoral artery and venous blood sampling means(enter injector orientation to heart proximal femoral artery and venous in 1~3 mm) and tail end approach were used in 5 groups respectively.


Vena orbitalis posterior plexus blood collection method,Exsanguinated before the inferior vena cava blood(Around the trachea to the needle into the subclavian),cardiac puncture blood collection methods(To the left oblique line to the right into the needle enter the subcutaneous on the fourth and firth rib),femoral artery and venous...

眼眶后静脉丛的采血法,前腔静脉采血(靠近气管至锁骨窝处进针),心脏穿刺采血法(倒数第4~5肋间刺入),股动静脉采血法(在股动静脉处向心端1~3 mm处为最佳穿刺点)和尾尖采血方法。

Then,singing among the savage branches,it impales itself upon the longest,sharpest apine.


Those quills may be modified hairs, but they are needle-sharp, strong, and there are plenty of them.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
