英语人>网络例句>小石头 相关的搜索结果


与 小石头 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The scientists found green-yellow trace on a stone urinated by some deer . Follow this clue, he found ironmine.……


President Bush spoke in the cemetery's amphitheater - a massive white structure surrounded by seemingly endless rows of small white headstones.


I'm 14 years old and my name is Anton Hili. I now live with my four sisters and my mother. Before we lived in the mountains in a small village called Dukagjin. Ten years age, my uncle got into a fight with a neighbor. He killed him with a stone. He smashed his skull.


The gang of "hoodies" abused him, spat at him and threw rocks at his head.

这个小团伙的成员谩骂Bexley Kent,打他,并朝他的头部扔石头。

The foreground boulder is nearly twelve feet in diameter, yet the Sierra juniper tree near the top of the image is very small.


When I see the extreme fashions, the rings, the necklaces, the large brooches, the lockets, the highly ornamental watches, and the elaborate men's jewelry more and more apparent among us, it is not the precious stones that cause me most concern: it is that 'leavening process'-that pride, that love of self, the love of the world, that compromise-that these objects reveal, that makes me anxious for God's people ... too many of us are heading back into the world.

当我看到那些极端的时尚,戒指、项链、大枚胸针、盒式小坠子、精装手表、精制男士珠宝饰物等越来越明显地在我们当中出现时,并不是那昂贵的石头最让我挂心:而是那'如酵发长的随风从俗之情形 '——那种骄傲,那种专爱自己,那种爱世界,那种妥协——那就是这些事物所透露的信息,使我为上帝的百姓担忧挂虑…我们有太多的人正在掉头回到世界中去。

Those lodestones can magically attract small pieces of iron and always point to the same direction after swing at random.


Two hundred of the envelopes contained a small diamond,while the others held zirconia stones -- a cheap diamond -lookalike used in costume jewellery.

信封的二百包含了一个小的钻石,当那的时候其他拿着了氧化锆石头--一个廉宜的钻石-在装束珠宝中用的 lookalike。

Meteoroids are small chunks of stone or stone and iron, some of which are fragments of asteroids or comets.


The windows were uneven; some small, some large, some with heavy stone mullions and rich stained glass; others with frail lattices that rattled in every breeze; others so modern that they might have been added only yesterday.


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This paper analyzes the compound attractor structure of a new three-dimensional autonomous chaotic system.


ON shut rivals out of their transmission systems and shy away from reinvesting their profits in network improvements.


Objective: Elucidate the medicinal licorice species circumscription in order to develop licorice resources in China and select new cultivars.
