- 与 小把 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
We Sterculia lychnophora into boiling water, it appeared around a lot of small bubbles, like many small Satisfy floating on the water with it, and like a tickle in to it like.
He took along the child's father and mother and those who were with him and entered the room where the child was. He took the child by the hand and said to her,"Talitha koum," which means,"Little girl, I say to you, arise!"
She could have understood the meaning of a little stone-cutters yard at Columbia City, carving little pieces of marble for individual use, but when the yards of some huge stone corporation came into view, filled with spur tracks and flat cars, transpierced by docks from the river and traversed overhead by immense trundling cranes of wood and steel, it lost all significance in her little world.
So while many might say that the 1,200+ mashups currently listed in the trend graphs on Programmable Web are mostly NOT user generated, one only has to look at the widespread use of badges and widgets on MySpace and other major social networking sites to see that everyday people are getting more and more comfortable with "turfing" their blogs and spaces with content, code, and feeds from elsewhere on the Web.
很多人可能会说现在已经有超过1200多个&混合应用&被列在 Programmable Web 的趋势表上,它们之中绝大多数都不是用户创建的,只要看看那些在 MySpace 和各种主流的社会网络上广泛流行的小徽章和小组件,看看人们每天不辞辛劳的在他们的blog和空间上耕作,修改内容、调整代码、从互联网的各个角落寻找 RSS feeds,并把它们放在里面。
He stretched his legs, stretched on the beside chair; he watched his jeans and sneaker, he dived into his unironed suit to felt for some coin, four on the left, six on the right, some of which are small, may be not the same face value, he surmise.
Nowadays, many people are groaning about the unjustice of destiny by questioning why they are poor while others rich, why they are in poor career while others rich and why they are ugly while others beautiful……But if one day God says to you, I will give you ten million dollars, the greatest beauty in the world and a position of CEO for a prominent enterprise on the condition that you give your legs to the girl.
All I shew'd them, all I Said to them, was perfectly amazing; but above all, the Captain admir'd my Fortification, and how perfectly I had conceal'd my Retreat with a Grove of Trees, which having been now planted near twenty Years, and the Trees growing much faster than in England, was become a little Wood, and so thick, that it was unpassable in any Part of it, but at that one Side, where I had reserv'd my little winding Passage into it: I told him, this was my Castle, and my Residence; but that I had a Seat in the Country, as most Princes have, whither I could retreat upon Occasion, and I would shew him that too another Time; but at present, our Business was to consider how to recover the Ship: He agreed with me as to that; but told me, he was perfectly at a Loss what Measures to take; for that there were still six and twenty Hands on board, who having entred into a cursed Conspiracy, by which they had all forfeited their Lives to the Law, would be harden'd in it now by Desperation; and would carry it on, knowing that if they were reduc'd, they should be brought to the Gallows, as soon as they came to England, or to any of the English Colonies; and that therefore there would be no attacking them, with so small a Number as we were.
Then with swift fingers he unplaited the long braid of hair that hung down his back, and taking a wooden comb from the drawer of the small, unsteady table, he began to comb out his hair.
Joseph Stalin said makesconstant initiality of the view that any phenomenon if orphaned land, there is no association with the phenomenon of around it, it would not be able to understand it, because the nature of any given field of any phenomenon, if it is out of touch with the surrounding conditions, and they are isolated phenomenon society become meaningless things; on the contrary, any phenomenon if the same phenomenon has around, unviolable is subject to the constraints surrounding phenomenon, and that's understandable, arguably.
In each category, semantic and syntactic valent models of verbs are generalized.
- 推荐网络例句
Plunder melds and run with this jewel!
My dream is to be a crazy growing tree and extend at the edge between the city and the forest.
When you click Save, you save the file to the host′s hard disk or server, not to your own machine.