英语人>网络例句>尊严 相关的搜索结果


与 尊严 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Further, whoever of those mentioned above think that, by influence or favour with secular princes of any rank, distinction or dignity, or with their advisers, associates, attendants or officials, or with the magistrates, rectors and lieutenants of cities, towns, universities or any secular institutions, or with other persons of either sex, ecclesiastical or secular, they can take steps towards a universal or particular peace between princes, rulers and christian peoples, and towards the campaign against the infidels, let them use strong encouragement and lead them on to this peace and the campaign.


The civil wars were ended after twenty years, foreign wars suppressed, peace restored, the frenzy of arms everywhere lulled to rest; validity was restored to the laws, authority to the courts, and dignity to the senate; the power of the magistrates was reduced to its former limits, with the sole exception that two were added to the eight existing praetors.


They try to treat recipients with respect and dignity - haircuts and perms are organised alongside more practical help.


We decree that the same is to be observed with regard to parsonages adding that nobody shall presume to hold several dignities or parsonages in the same church even if they do not have the cure of souls.


Should papal pressure go beyond the limits of the council's dignity and of the importance of the matters under discussion the effect would be, not the invalidation of the council's decrees, but the paralysing of its moral influence and practical usefulness.


Augustus once ordered: Transport thirteen obelisks from the Roman province of Egypt to Rome as a means of parading the dignity and power of Rome.


"Men go to admire the high mountains and the great flood of the seas and the wide-rolling rivers and the ring of Ocean and the movement of the stars; and they forget themselves."


As to the domestic external risks: suggest that we should change government's way of performance appraisal, re-clarify the edge of government's economic function, and set the maintaining of financial stability and safety as one important appraisal criteria; change the National People\'s Congress-centered legislative committee into Constitution court, monitoring government's operation and unconstitutional acts, and maintain the constitutional order and dignity; set up financial court to handle financial cases, re-explain the priority of mortgage debt, and strengthen the protection of financial debt; make full use of the power of social organization and media, regulate and improve the information disclosure of financial institutions regularly.


Architects should not be more aloof from their own when to start, at least we can cast aside by the vote-buying and Guan says that culture, sever all ties with elected officials colluded to let everything return to professional competition, and to maintain the dignity of building professionals point.


One always discovers them voluntarily or involuntarily at the same task, namely at dragging the partie honteuse of our inner world into the foreground and seeking the truly effective and directing agent, that which has been decisive in its evolution, in just that place where the intellectual pride of man would least desire to find it (in the vis inertiae of habit, for example, or in forgetfulness, or in a blind and chance mechanistic hooking-together of ideas, or in something purely passive, automatic, reflexive, molecular, and thoroughly stupid)—what is it really that always drives these psychologists in just this direction?


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
