英语人>网络例句>尊严 相关的搜索结果


与 尊严 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

What people are concerned about preoccupies my mind, and what preoccupies people's mind is what I need to address.


However, when the scientific researcher "pledged with his head" and a citizen took "putting himself with his son into jail" as a wager, they treated the contention in a violent way, so apathetic to life. It's an insult to the reason of science, profaning the dignity of civilization.


Public security organs, people's procuratorates, people's courts and reformatories for juvenile delinquents shall respect the personal dignity of the delinquent minors and safeguard their lawful rights and interests.


I hope that generosity and foresight will help them to make decisions in regard to relaunching an equitable process of integral development to safeguard human dignity.


In short , as I accept the rising of the sun,I accepted that up above me was all fine and noble gracious,all that gave decency and dignity to life,all that made life worth living and remunerated one for his travail and misery.


He knew he was dying and retained his dignity to the end.


First of all, we have resolutely safeguarded our national independence, sovereignty and dignity.


It hails the dignity of man and salutes his individual efforts.


We hired an assistant NBA coach to be with them and they scrimmaged against half a dozen of our teams. In other words, we treated them with dignity, respect and basketball camaraderie.


We accumulate our value and dignity as get up from the dirty mud of life again and 'll come to discover that brilliant man in the beautiful we may seem so stupid by doing so simple work,but let it just try our best to finish the calling the great God,despite any laughters,attacks and those scums and swines die and destory themsleves and torture themselves in their own hearts hell!


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The medicinal plant resources of Gentianaceae in Sichuan Province.


"Some fortuneteller," scoffed the man, I'm the father of THREE children.

" "一些算命",嘲笑他,"我的父亲有三个孩子。

There are over 90 universities and above 150 institutes to provide Bachelor or above.
