英语人>网络例句>尊严 相关的搜索结果


与 尊严 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I don't know why this method was chosen by the great men's mothers but I do know that my own mother, a highly educated, class-conscious woman, thought that breast-feeding was somehow beneath her dignity – it was the sort of primitive thing more appropriate to peasants.


But on the day we live in an America whose middle classis thriving and growing again, where all Americans, no matter wherethey live or where their ancestors came from, can earn a decent living,we will live in a stronger America and that is why we must elect BarackObama our President.


It is not my business to inquire here into the original of the power or dignity of the clergy.


Although her calmness and dignity distance her from the contemporary image of a tsundere, it is nevertheless true that Saber's behavior and attitude change over time, turning her from a cold and detached warrior into a more open and understanding companion.


Impressed by the accusations made against him, Paul took advantage of the departure of Tychicus for Coloss Colossae,aelig;, to enter into communication with those Christians who had heard of him (Ephesians 3:2) and to address them a letter in which he had to limit himself to general considerations on Christianity, but he wished to prove his Apostolic solicitude for them by making them realize not only the dignity of their Christian vocation, but the oneness of the Church of God and the intimate union by which all the faithful, no matter what their history, are constituted a single body of which Christ is the head.

下了深刻的印象,对他的指控,保罗趁机离开Tychicus的Coloss Colossae , aelig ;,进入通信与基督徒谁听说过他(以弗所书3:2 ),并解决他们的信中,他必须限制自己的一般考虑对基督教,但他想证明他的使徒关怀他们,使它们不仅实现的尊严,他们的基督教使命,但一体的天主的教会和亲密的联盟,所有的信徒,不管其历史,是构成一个单一的机构,其中基督的头部。

We set a limit of two years on persons of whatever rank who obtain more than four parish churches and their perpetual vicarages, or major and principal dignities, even if by way of union or commendam for life.

我们定下了两年的人,无论谁获得更多的排名超过四个教区教堂和其永久vicarages ,或重大和主要的尊严,即使经由工会或commendam生命。

A further consequence is that the person elected in this manner is automatically deprived, without the need of any other declaration, of his cardinal's rank and of all other honours whatsoever as well as of cathedral churches, even metropolitan and patriarchical ones, monasteries, dignities and all other benefices and pensions of whatever kind which he was then holding by title or in commendam or otherwise; and that the elected person is to be regarded as, and is in fact, not a follower of the apostles but an apostate and, like Simon, a magicianl and a heresiarch, and perpetually debarred from each and all of the above-mentioned things.

另一种后果是,当选的人以这种方式将自动被剥夺,而无需任何其他声明,他的枢机主教的排名和其他一切荣誉什麼以及大教堂,教堂,甚至大都市和patriarchical的,寺院,尊严和所有其他benefices和养老金的任何一种,他当时持有的所有权或在commendam或以其他方式和当选人应被视为,并在事实上,而不是一个追随者的使徒,但叛教者,就像西蒙一个magicianl和heresiarch ,并不断排除来自每个和所有上述事情。

As successor of Juan Pasqual and Commissary General of the Reformed Conventual Friars in Spain, Peter founded the poor and diminutive hermitage of Pedroso in Spain, and in 1559 raised the custody of St.


Their habitation was not merely respectable and commodious, but even dignified and imposing


A s a basic human rights, housing rights means everyone acquire and continue to have house and community in which they can live in security, peace, and dignity.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
