英语人>网络例句>尊严 相关的搜索结果


与 尊严 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

We give them the love of justice----the bulwark against violence and oppression, and the repository of human dignity.


We give them the love of justice--the bulwark against violence and oppression, and the repository of human dignity.


We give them the love of justice----the bulwark against violence and oppression, and the respository of human dignity.


Whether in the earthy, family-minded Mediterranean or the buttoned-up culture of the Teutonic world, men and women hesitate to contemplate the practical details of planning for a messy, protracted demise.


He noticed the relations between Hellenism and Judaism, studied the Cabbala, combated astrology, and composed an immortal work on the dignity of man.

他注意到之间的关系希腊和犹太教,研究了Cabbala ,打击占星术,并组成一个不朽的工作,人的尊严

Because it must suit for the demand of the notion of modern substance rule by law in order to understand the accurate meaning,so this thesis think that the law which is in law superiority should contain the contents that are common spirit of law,including the respect of human nature dignity,equal protection,definition and calculability,trust protection and openness.


In that case we allow that he who has such a prebend or dignity should make it his business, since he must serve in the greater church, to have a suitable and permanent vicar canonically instituted in the parish church; and the latter is to have, as has been said, a fitting portion from the revenues of the church.


The bull was read commissioning Malatesta and Domenici to convoke the council and to authorise whatever it should do for the restoration of unity and the extirpation of the schism -- with Gregory's explicit condition that there should be no mention of Baldassare Cossa, [6 ] with his reminder that from his very election he had pledged himself to resign if by so doing he could truly advance the good work of unity, and his assertion that the papal dignity is truly his as the canonically elected successor of Urban VI.

牛市宣读了委托Malatesta )及美国家庭和召集理事会,并授权,无论做什么应该做,为恢复团结和摘除的分裂-格雷戈里有明确的条件,应该有不提b aldassare科萨认为, [ 6 ]他提醒人们,从他的非常选举,他曾承诺自己要辞职,如果这样,他才能真正推动良好的工作,团结和他的断言教皇尊严,是真正的他,因为canonically选出继任市区六。

It is thus seen that canonicity is a correlative of inspiration, being the extrinsic dignity belonging to writings which have been officially declared as of sacred origin and authority.


Then, if they have joined themselves in full union with the said other cardinals, they shall immediately stand reintegrated, restored, rehabilitated and re-established in their former state, honours and dignities, even of the cardinalate, and in the churches and benefices which they had charge of or held, and shall stand absolved from the stain of simony and from any ecclesiastical censures and penalties.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


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We all hope for a better life.
