英语人>网络例句>封闭的 相关的搜索结果


与 封闭的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The same period of a few of the new fund has its own unique features, the only fund manager's point of view, Hua-core optimization of aspiring fund managers Chen Yu Qiao is relatively good, Qiao Chen Yu was in charge of the Hua is Manulife in 2007,"Taurus Award" winners, leaving early in 2008, she became Manulife closed-end fund's manager, EMC, EMC this year's performance in closed-end funds are also among the best in both open-end funds in the bull market's performance in the lead, There are also closed-end funds in the bear market leader in the industry's resilience in the performance of the fund's manager of new products cause for concern.


When audience face these images, it is natural to invoke the memory of source images, and it is such basic memory or source images intention that produce the reaction and confrontation to Xu's works, spur his works to enter audience's habitual recognition of images, and combine thinking with image cognition to form new interpretation of images, as to highlight the dubiety of source images and to increase the possible reinterpretation of source images, but the artist's conceptual interference is not close-ended but discloses the mechanism of contemporary image reading: i.e. the interaction between image and audience, as result such works are the presence of artistic conception but the absence of artist and that artist doesn't stress the input of personal experience into the work, but looks for the methodology of image-construction and the combination of thinking methods for creating the entity of joint between image and language.


When audience face these images, it is natural to invoke the memory of source images, and it is such basic memory or source images intention that produce the reaction and confrontation to Xus works, spur his works to enter audiences habitual recognition of images, and combine thinking with image cognition to form new interpretation of images, as to highlight the dubiety of source images and to increase the possible reinterpretation of source images, but the artists conceptual interference is not close-ended but discloses the mechanism of contemporary image reading: i.e. the interaction between image and audience, as result such works are the presence of artistic conception but the absence of artist and that artist doesnt stress the input of personal experience into the work, but looks for the methodology of image-construction and the combination of thinking methods for creating the entity of joint between image and language.


Ageing rebels, second-year master's students with lacquered nails, broad-shouldered phonies in Norfolk jackets, snappers from Newsweek, all approached the cringing, little house where he had lived, or battened down, or holed up—you, general reader, can choose the word you please—ever since a great wave of fame had broken over him in 1953, two years after he happened to write a book called "The Catcher in the Rye".


For reconstruction from contours, this dissertation uses Active Contour Model to check the boundary contours. The algorithm can generate single, continuous and close contours quickly. For reconstruction from voxel, this dissertation presents an algorithm to trace the boundary contours from segmented regions based on Active Contour Model. The algorithm can trace the contours of inter and outer connected multi-regions correctly and accurately, and can prevent tracing from jumping out to the neighbor region, also can define the contour precision and contour key points actively as snake is growing up.

对于基于轮廓线的表面重建,利用主动轮廓模型(Active Model,又称Snake Model)来完成断层图象上目标轮廓的提取,可以获得单象素连通的封闭的目标边界轮廓;针对基于体素的表面重建中实施了分割后的体数据,提出了一种基于主动轮廓模型完成二值图象中轮廓跟踪记录的方法,可以对同属于重建目标的内外邻接多区域进行正确和准确的边界轮廓跟踪,使得在跟踪当前轮廓时不会跨越到相邻轮廓,且主动轮廓的精度可以根据参数交互决定,尤其是能够在主动轮廓成长的同时主动定义轮廓关键点。

This action which is later perceived as spoiling the realistic illusion of the cinema, is action which is later perceived as spoiling the realistic illusion of the cinema, is here undertaken with brio, establishing contact with the audience From comedians smirking at the camera, to the constant bowing and gesturing of the conjurors in magic films, this is a cinema that displays its visibility, willing to rupture a self-enclosed fictional world for a chance to solicit the attention of the spectator

这个 行动是后来溺爱的电影现实的幻想被认为是行动是后来溺爱的电影现实的幻想被认为是这里开展的快板,建立与警方在相机面带笑容的喜剧演员观众接触,以不断鞠躬,并在魔术电影conjurors手势,这是一个电影,显示其知名度,愿意破裂自我封闭的虚构世界的机会,争取到注意旁观者

Basing on describing the basic knowledge of school management system of Chinese basic education, this article bring forward some new ideas: first, the author dont simply discuss the theories on school management system of school management system of Chinese basic education from perfect situation, but combining the factual condition of school management system of Chinese basic education; second, the article analysis profoundly the problem of School management system of Chinese basic education; third, after discussing the reform mode of Chinese basic education, the author further advance to change the coverall and unchangeable school management system and set up the school management method, which call integral whole two lines.


This thesis insists that farmer household should be re-cognition in such condition, which analyzes peasants in a developing and historical process. The thesis tries to prove that peasants are at the entrance of socialized small agricultural economy stage although the scale of farmer household' s management is still too small. It also points out that peasants are engulfing into an open mobile socialized system with division of labor, which is far-off closed traditional small agricultural economy.


Jakarta was still a sleepy backwater in those days, with few buildings over four or five stories high, cycle rickshaws outnumbering cars, the city center and wealthier sections of town—with their colonial elegance and lush, well-tended lawns—quickly giving way to clots of small villages with unpaved roads and open sewers, dusty markets, and shanties of mud and brick and plywood and corrugated iron that tumbled down gentle banks to murky rivers where families bathed and washed laundry like pilgrims in the Ganges.


The BRE Bank building in Bydgoszcz realizes consistently the vision underlying the competition entry It was Intended as a structure whose form would be finished, closed referring fo the typology of granaries, made adequately contemporary.incorporating a new function-that of a bank, i.e.a modern-doy granary for money. The overall design idea stemmed from the desire to show respect for.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
