英语人>网络例句>密码的 相关的搜索结果


与 密码的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In this paper, we introduce the algorithm of Schoof-Elkies-Atkin to compute the order of elliptic curves over finite fields. We give out a fast algorithm to compute the division polynomial f〓 and a primitive point of order 2〓. This paper also gives an improved algorithm in computing elliptic curve scalar multiplication. Using the method of complex multiplication, we find good elliptic curves for use in cryptosystems, and implemented ElGamal public-key scheme based on elliptic curves. As a co-product, we also realized the algorithm to determine primes using Goldwasser-Kilian's theorem. Lastly, the elliptic curve method of integer factorization is discussed. By making some improvement and through properly selected parameters, we successfully factored an integer of 55 digits, which is the product of two 28-digit primes.


This dissertation investigates the construction of pseudo-random sequences (pseudo-random numbers) from elliptic curves and mainly analyzes their cryptographic properties by using exponential sums over rational points along elliptic curves. The main results are as follows:(1) The uniform distribution of the elliptic curve linear congruential generator is discussed and the lower bound of its nonlinear complexity is given.(2) Two large families of binary sequences are constructed from elliptic curves. The well distribution measure and the correlation measure of order k of the resulting sequences are studied. The results indicate that they are "good" binary sequences which give a positive answer to a conjecture proposed by Goubin et al.(3) A kind of binary sequences from an elliptic curve and its twisted curves over a prime field F_p. The length of the sequences is 4p. The "1" and "0" occur almost the same times. The linear complexity is at least one-fourth the period.(4) The exponential sums over rational points along elliptic curves over ring Z_ are estimated and are used to estimate the well distribution measure and the correlation measure of order k of a family of binary sequences from elliptic curves over ring Z_.(5) The correlation of the elliptic curve power number generator is given. It is proved that the sequences produced by the elliptic curve quadratic generator are asymptotically uniformly distributed.(6) The uniform distribution of the elliptic curve subset sum generator is considered.(7) We apply the linear feedback shift register over elliptic curves to produce sequences with long periods. The distribution and the linear complexity of the resulting sequences are also considered.

本文研究利用椭圆曲线构造的伪随机序列,主要利用有限域上椭圆曲线有理点群的指数和估计讨论椭圆曲线序列的密码性质——分布、相关性、线性复杂度等,得到如下主要结果:(1)系统讨论椭圆曲线-线性同余序列的一致分布性质,即该类序列是渐近一致分布的,并给出了它的非线性复杂度下界;(2)讨论两类由椭圆曲线构造的二元序列的"良性"分布与高阶相关性(correlation of order κ),这两类序列具有"优"的密码性质,也正面回答了Goubin等提出的公开问题;(3)利用椭圆曲线及其挠曲线构造一类二元序列,其周期为4p(其中椭圆曲线定义在有限域F_p上),0-1分布基本平衡,线性复杂度至少为周期的四分之一;(4)讨论了剩余类环Z_上的椭圆曲线的有理点的分布估计,并用于分析一类由剩余类环Z_上椭圆曲线构造的二元序列的伪随机性;(5)讨论椭圆曲线-幂生成器序列的相关性及椭圆曲线-二次生成器序列的一致分布;(6)讨论椭圆曲线-子集和序列的一致分布;(7)讨论椭圆曲线上的线性反馈移位寄存器序列的分布,线性复杂度等性质。

Hybrid schemes in a KEM-DEM structure is regarded as the most natural approach to public key encryption with IND-CCA security and practical efficiency. Traditional KEM is realized by public key scheme, which only provides confidentiality security for session key used by DEM. In 2005, combining the idea of signcryption with the KEM-DEM model hybrid encryption, Alexander proposed a signcryption KEM-DEM model hybrid signcryption primitive.

KEM-DEM结构的混合密码体制是获得IND-CCA安全最实际有效的方法,传统的KEM由公钥加密方案实现,仅提供DEM使用的会话密钥的保密性安全。2005年Alexander等人将签密的概念与KEM-DEM结构的混合密码体制相结合,提出了Signcryption KEM-DEM结构的混合签密。

Using the concept of Boolean functions and combinatorics theory comprehensively, we investigate the construction on annihilators of Boolean functions and the algebraic immunity of symmetric Boolean functions in cryptography:Firstly, we introduce two methods of constructing the annihilators of Boolean functions, Construction I makes annihilators based on the minor term expression of Boolean function, meanwhile we get a way to judge whether a Boolean function has low degree annihilators by feature matrix. In Construction II, we use the subfunctions to construct annihilators, we also apply Construction II to LILI-128 and Toyocrypt, and the attacking complexity is reduced greatly. We study the algebraic immunitiy of (5,1,3,12) rotation symmetric staturated best functions and a type of constructed functions, then we prove that a new class of functions are invariants of algebraic attacks, and this property is generalized in the end.Secondly, we present a construction on symmetric annihilators of symmetric Boolean functions.


Then she called me to her small warehouse, to give me a +-S of the Black Dragon, she said that her friend did not want to play a miracle, a miracle to go to the world, and her friend have a Black Dragon King, many people would like to to, but I just so emotional for her, he decided to give me this, so now my account number and password, to my brother's number to his friend to the reputation of this equipment, I turned to the account number and password him, then he has been connected to my account, I feel a bit wrong at the time, for its account of my other junk a dragon and a few stones for to its eternal friends, the next line after the number to the eternal look at the small warehouse, was to see the Running out of Time, Running out of Time and then disappeared, I find the whole continent can not find him.


This dissertation investigates the construction of pseudo-random sequences (pseudo-random numbers) from elliptic curves and mainly analyzes their cryptographic properties by using exponential sums over rational points along elliptic curves. The main results are as follows:(1) The uniform distribution of the elliptic curve linear congruential generator is discussed and the lower bound of its nonlinear complexity is given.(2) Two large families of binary sequences are constructed from elliptic curves. The well distribution measure and the correlation measure of order k of the resulting sequences are studied. The results indicate that they are "good" binary sequences which give a positive answer to a conjecture proposed by Goubin et al.(3) A kind of binary sequences from an elliptic curve and its twisted curves over a prime field F_p. The length of the sequences is 4p. The "1" and "0" occur almost the same times. The linear complexity is at least one-fourth the period.(4) The exponential sums over rational points along elliptic curves over ring Z_ are estimated and are used to estimate the well distribution measure and the correlation measure of order k of a family of binary sequences from elliptic curves over ring Z_.(5) The correlation of the elliptic curve power number generator is given. It is proved that the sequences produced by the elliptic curve quadratic generator are asymptotically uniformly distributed.(6) The uniform distribution of the elliptic curve subset sum generator is considered.(7) We apply the linear feedback shift register over elliptic curves to produce sequences with long periods. The distribution and the linear complexity of the resulting sequences are also considered.

本文研究利用椭圆曲线构造的伪随机序列,主要利用有限域上椭圆曲线有理点群的指数和估计讨论椭圆曲线序列的密码性质——分布、相关性、线性复杂度等,得到如下主要结果:(1)系统讨论椭圆曲线-线性同余序列的一致分布性质,即该类序列是渐近一致分布的,并给出了它的非线性复杂度下界;(2)讨论两类由椭圆曲线构造的二元序列的&良性&分布与高阶相关性(correlation of order κ),这两类序列具有&优&的密码性质,也正面回答了Goubin等提出的公开问题;(3)利用椭圆曲线及其挠曲线构造一类二元序列,其周期为4p(其中椭圆曲线定义在有限域F_p上),0-1分布基本平衡,线性复杂度至少为周期的四分之一;(4)讨论了剩余类环Z_上的椭圆曲线的有理点的分布估计,并用于分析一类由剩余类环Z_上椭圆曲线构造的二元序列的伪随机性;(5)讨论椭圆曲线-幂生成器序列的相关性及椭圆曲线-二次生成器序列的一致分布;(6)讨论椭圆曲线-子集和序列的一致分布;(7)讨论椭圆曲线上的线性反馈移位寄存器序列的分布,线性复杂度等性质。

Coding and non-coding sequences are expected to have very different patterns of sequence changes because of the following characteristics of coding sequences: biased codon composition, higher conservation, absence of stop codons and frameshifts, higher fraction of synonymous than nonsynonymous substitutions, higher frequency of substitutions corresponding to changes of chemically similar amino acids, higher proportion of mutable contexts.


For the application of 64 Codons, each step from DNA chain to mRNA chain, t RNA, ribosome, peptides, and to protein, has its specific permutable calculation model between chemical reactants and products, none of which has an objective permutable relationship with that in the 43 Table of Triplet Codes.

在生物遗传学的解释上,不预先测定给定生命体的 DNA 碱基顺序及其蛋白质的氨基酸顺序并把两者作比较,就把 DNA 和密码表两者指导合成的多肽链的氨基酸顺序称为该生命体遗传得来的氨基酸顺序,并以此将密码表称为生命的元素周期律在一切生命体中通用,是完全错误的。

To prevent such an outbreak from happening, it is imperative that administrators refrain from logging onto a suspect machine using their own accounts. Logging on using the workstation's local administrator account can also have the same effect; most corporate workstations are ghosted from the same image and could have the same local admin account and password.


In fact, with more than one in 10 people having 50 or more separate online accounts to log into, many are not only using the same password for everything, but also writing all their passwords down in one handy place, such as the noticeboard in their office, a document on their desktop, or a Post-it note stuck to their computer.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
