英语人>网络例句>密码的 相关的搜索结果


与 密码的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In this paper, we propose a new visual cryptographic method for gray-level and chromatic images without pixel expansion. We simultaneously encrypt m successive pixels (called an "encryption sequence") each time in accordance with two basis matrices. In every m encryption sequences with b blacks, we make sure that b encryption sequences are encoded by black basis matrix, and the other ones are encoded by white basis matrix.

本研究提出一种不需要像素扩展的灰阶和彩色视觉密码的技术;我们的方法利用多点同时加密的概念,每次取连续的 m 个点做为加密序列进行加密,我们的方法可以确保在 m 个具有 b 个黑点的加密序列中,一定会有 b 个加密序列是使用黑点基础矩阵加密,另外的个则使用白点基础矩阵加密,因此在叠合影像上黑与白的变化很规律。

Firstly, some basic concepts about ECC are introduced;then the scalar multiplication under affine coordinate is discussed, we make a research and analysis of the side channel attack of scalar multiplication used in portable device, give out a new scalar multiplication algorithm which has the advantage of efficiency over other protected algorithm; and an improvement of the standard scalar multiplication algorithm proposed by IEEE1363 is made with the efficiency increasing by about 10%; at last, we deal with the using of complex multiplication in scalar multiplication algorithm, we generalize the methods and deduce a complete computing procedure, with proposing a new method which used several different fast endomorphism ,we give out an approach to boost the scalar multiplication with fast endomorphism.

本文首先介绍了椭圆曲线密码的有关基本概念;其次介绍了椭圆曲线上点的标量乘法在仿射坐标下的计算,对一般便携设备上的椭圆曲线点的标量乘法的边信道攻击做了研究与分析,给出了一种在效率上优于其它可抵抗边信道攻击的标量乘法的新算法,并对IEEE P1363 标准给出的标量乘法做了改进,使得标量乘法的运算效率提高了近10%;最后介绍了利用复乘计算标量乘法的方法,对已有的方法进行总结归纳,得出完整的计算过程,并针对两类超奇异椭圆曲线给出了一种利用多个可快速计算的复乘的标量乘法,得出一类普遍的结果,并给出了进一步用复乘加快标量乘法的思路。

This paper introduces the real number domain and limited domain of the definition of Elliptic Curves, it introduces the basic principles of Diffie-Hellman key exchange in detail which bases on the definition of Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem, and the methods of implementation which makes use of Elliptic Curve. It analysis the advantages and disadvatages of the Diffie-Hellman key exchange technology , and gives a worthwhile improvement in the same time.

本文介绍了在实数域和有限域中椭圆曲线的基本定义,然后以椭圆曲线的基本定义为基础,详细论述了基于椭圆曲线密码的 Diffie-Hellman 密钥交换的基本原理及利用椭圆曲线实现密钥交换的方法,分析了Diffie-Hellman 密钥交换技术的优缺点,并给出了值得改进的地方。

These of course would make good fodder for passwords, but the main point here is that constructing a silly jingoistic sentence or a rhyme is a great way to remember something you'd rather not commit to paper.


A new generating circuit on five-level M-sequence based on the cut-join sieve method,which can generate 2048 different five-level M-sequence s.

敌我识别系统的核心技术之一是询问信号与应答信号的加密传输,针对信号传输中对密码的要求,文中引入了伪随机码,基于剪接筛法设计了能产生2048个两两相异的5级 M序列的电路,并对该电路进行了仿真,仿真结果验证了该设计的正确有效性

Radio Teleprinter : Automatic telegraphy using any classes of emission ending in B. This includes teleprinters using any CCITT recognized codes, and morse telegraphy intended for automatic reception.


The Guardian can reveal that a team of 20 top scientists assembled by Mr Venter,led by the Noble laurate Hamilton Smiith,has already constructed a synthetic chromosome,a feat of virtuoso bio-engineering never previously achieved.Using lab –made chemicals,they have painstakingly stitched together a chromosome that is 381 genes long and contains 580,000 base pairs of genetic code.


Considering both performance of enciphering and degree of complexity of realization , steam cipher algorithm is used


This kind of parallel processing hugely improves the computational speed, and can change some NP problems that cannot be accomplished by classical computers, i.e., the complexity of the problems exponentially increases with the increase of bits, to P problems, i.e., the complexity of the problems polynomially increases with the increase of bits. In 1994 Peter Shor at Bell Laboratory proved that quantum computers could efficiently solve the problem of Large Number Factorization, which was the security footstone of nowaday classical cryptosystems, while none of any classical computers could implement this.

这种并行处理极大地提高了计算速度,可以把一些经典计算中无法计算的NP问题即问题的复杂度随着比特位数的增长而指数上升,变成P问题即问题的复杂度随着比特位数的增长以多项式上升。1994年,Bell实验室的Peter Shor证明量子计算机可以有效解决经典计算机所不能解决的大数因子分解问题,而这恰恰是目前经典密码的安全性基础。

Like the Gila monster, which attacks with venom, inflicting festering but fatal wounds? Or merciless assassin snakes with switchblade fangs as sharp as hypodermic needles and enough poison to kill ten people. And they are smart-alligators that send coded messages, iguanas that run on water and the green turtle that uses magnetic crystals in its brain to navigate across the ocean. A Diamondback rattlesnake can inject a tracer to track its dying prey and baby snakes fish for trout with their tongues!


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The reasons of iron ions content overproof in grade Ⅱ desalting water system,such as variation water quality,contamination of regenerant , operation adjustment of pretreatment system and switching operation of bed were discussed.


You were hired to drum up new business, so go and do it.


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