英语人>网络例句>宽的 相关的搜索结果


与 宽的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Fruit silicles, orbicular, broadly obovate, or broadly elliptic, strongly latiseptate, sessile or rarely on a gynophore to 1 mm; valves subleathery, obscurely or distinctly veined, glabrous or pubescent, flat or slightly inflated; replum slightly flattened, not winged; septum complete, membranous; style to 5 mm, filiform; stigma capitate, entire.


Methods:Three-dimensional(3D) CT imaging reconstruction was performed in 200case of cervical spine without radicular symptom and injury.C_3-C_7 vertebral body horizontal diameter, sagittal diameter,high.vertebral gap.pedicle vertical diameter and horizontal diameter,coronary high,base long of vertebral uncus,space between vertebral uncus point.highness and width of intervertebral foramenand,transverse foramen,The CT data was transferred to a computer workstation,grouping with age and sex,statistical analysis.


Results show that the value of spectral width from turbulence is below 0.5 ms, and the oblique beams are more reliable than the vertical beam, and the turbulent dissipation rate distributes between 10ms and 10ms.

得出结论:湍流谱宽值在0.5 ms以内;在风廓线雷达的波束中,倾斜波束的谱宽值比垂直波束的谱宽值更可靠;利用倾斜波束提取的谱宽计算得到的湍流耗散率的量级在10ms到10ms之间;湍流耗散率的大小随着高度的增加而减小。

Results:In the position of saphenous nerve corssing the hole of anterior wall of adductor canal in the thign,the nerve was 2.7±0.4mm in width and 1.2±0.3mm in thickness.

结果 :在股部的收肌腱板裂孔处,隐神经宽(2 。7± 0 。4)mm ,厚(1 。2± 0 。3)mm(厚/宽:0 。46);裂孔宽(5 。2± 0 。7)mm ,高(1 4 。1± 2 。4)mm ,孔远大于穿行其内的隐神经。

The calculation of deformation force during steady state stage, as well as the design principles of the expansion feeder plate die is discussed.


The database consists of nodimensional data of load carring capacities, maximum pressures and their positions, flow factors, and power loss factors by solving full 2D Reynolds equation including oil feed features of 360°, 180°partial groove, and single oil hole, corresponding to a series of power law index, length/diameter, groove width/length, hole diameter/length, hole diameter/bearing diameter, eccentricity, angle between the attitude angle line and centre line of oil groove/hole, rotary, squezze, and oil feed pressure factors.


The lowest story was five cubits wide; and the middle, six cubits wide; and the third, seven cubits wide; for he provided for outsets to the house all around the outside, so that the beams would not be inserted into the walls of the house.

6:6 楼房下层宽五肘,中层宽六肘,第三层宽七肘;因殿的外墙四围留有墙坎,免得梁木插入殿墙。

In reference to Figure 10.6a,when the beam width is less than the column width ,the effective joint width is the average of the beam width and column width ,but it should not exceed the beam width plus one-half the column depth h on each side of the beam .

在谈到图10.6a ,当光束宽度小于栏宽,有效地联合宽度平均束宽度和栏宽,但它不应超过束宽加一半栏深度h每边的梁。

Basal leaf blade 6-15 mm, broadly obovate, broadly ovate, or broadly rhomboid-ovate; staminodes 2-lobed, posterior lobes 2- or 3-lobed

基生叶6-15毫米,宽倒卵形,宽卵形,或者宽斜方形卵形;退化雄蕊2裂,在后的耳垂2或3裂 11 P。

It was the first time that experimental studies of the flow characteristics and convective heat transfer in platelet regenerative cooling channels with high aspect ratio were conducted in China.


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The reasons of iron ions content overproof in grade Ⅱ desalting water system,such as variation water quality,contamination of regenerant , operation adjustment of pretreatment system and switching operation of bed were discussed.


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