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与 宽的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Laser's characteristic as a shock wave drive and the advantages of KrF laser are explained. Finally, the progress at home and abroad is enumerated.In chapter two, the basic principle of the EOS study is introduced. Specially, the impedance mismatch effect of the double-layer flyer is mentioned here. It is the primary theoretical basis of this paper.In chapter three, a one-dimension, three-temperature hydrodynamic code HYADES is introduced briefly. it is used to make a qualitative analysis about how the thickness of ablator affect the flyer velocities and stability.In chapter four, the experimental setup is described.


The excellent agreements between simulated and measured results prove the accuracy of the established circuit model. Moreover, the varactor was added to the resonator to adjust its resonant frequency. As expected, the reactance introduced by the varactor indeed affects the net inductance and capacitance obviously. It is noted that, not only the shift with the center frequency, the inductive or capacitive of the reactance can also provide a parameter to switch its frequency toward the two directions away from the one without varactor. As a consequence, a wideband tunable band-pass filter is achieved. Although the bad quality factor with the diode strongly increases the insertion loss, this concept was proved to be available for effectively tuning the center frequency of such a class of band-pass filter.


The main job and contribution of this paper are as follows:Based on narrowband signal processing, we propose a new method for FH signal blind detection and blind parameter estimation. Firstly, compute the cross-correlation function of FH signals from multichannels, then we get the cross power spectral density matrixCSDM Secondly, select the hops of FH signals from the CSDM via processing and analyzing the CSDM, meanwhile reduce the influence coming from noise, fixed frequency signal and other interferences; Lastly, estimating the DOA of every hop and according to the DOA, we can separate the hops, get the number of FH signals and their parameters. Propose a new method for designing the threshold in FH signal detection. This method makes it easy to get the threshold by theoretic computing and it can extremely reduce the interference of non-FH signals.Based on broadband signal processing, we propose a new method for FH signal blind detection and blind parameter estimation. Firstly, get the DOA of the signals by wideband spatial spectrum estimation; secondly, separate the signals by spatial filtering using wideband beamformer; Lastly, we propose two methods for FH signal blind detection and blind parameter estimation, one is for several constant hop-rate FH signals whose dwell-time are different and another is for a single FH signal whose hop-rate is alterable.By employing spatial interpolation in broadband signal beamforming, it can reduce the number of antenna elements and corresponding RF modules, A/D converters, etc. It can also eliminate the mutual coupling between antenna elements while getting the narrower main beamwidth and lower sidelobe level.


Multiple wavelengths characteristics of dayside aurora activities were investigated with these keograms and in reference to all-sky images. It was found that there are three repeatedly appearing aurora activity regions along the dayside aurora oval. They are, Region A around 0900MLT in which aurora moves poleward while its intensity decreasing, and its form changingfrom arc to corona with time; Region B around 1330MLT in which aurora moves equatorward while its intensity increasing, and its form changing from corona to arc in time; Region C around 1330MLT in which aurora expands poleward while its intensity decreasing, and its forma evolving from arc to multiple arcs in time. There is a narrow belt of aurora activity in North-South direction between Regions A and B, which is dominated by weak and red corona aurora.


However, though my little Periagua was finish'd; yet the Size of it was not at all answerable to the Design which I had in View, when I made the first; I mean, Of venturing over to the Terra Firma, where it was above forty Miles broad; accordingly, the Smallness of my Boat assisted to put an End to that Design, and now I thought no more of it: But as I had a Boat, my next Design was to make a Tour round the Island; for as I had been on the other Side, in one Place, crossing as I have already describ'd it, over the Land; so the Discoveries I made in that little Journey, made me very eager to see other Parts of the Coast; and now I had a Boat, I thought of nothing but sailing round the Island.


The issue of connectivity between the PS3 and the display is very complex and depends on the type of TV, the maker of TV (until recently, only Toshiba TVs have component AV connections as standard in Europe, most other Euro TV sets use SCART which can not carry an HD signal) and specification of TV (the very latest HD Ready TV sets have wider connectivity options than earlier HD "capable" TVs from the same manufacturer which may have lacked HDMI), and finally the configuration of the PS3 model purchased.

在 PS3 和展览之间的连接性的议题非常复杂并且仰赖电视(类比,数传或高密度现金)的类型,电视(非常最近的高密度现金电视组有较宽的连接性选项胜于来自相同的制造业者的较早高密度"有能力的"电视可能已经缺乏 HDMI)的电视(直到最近,不过日本东芝公司电视在欧洲有如标准的成份 AV 连接,大多数的其他欧元电视组使用不能传达高密度信号的 SCART)和规格的制造者,和最后被购买的 PS3 模型的结构。

Spikelets all alike, somewhat laterally compressed, with 1 to several fertile florets; rachilla usually disarticulating below each floret, occasionally strictly 3 florets with lower 2 staminate or barren and of different appearance from upper fertile floret, then disarticulating above glumes and florets falling together; glumes persistent, often equal to spikelet or at least longer than first floret, commonly membranous with broad, shining, hyaline margins; floret callus bearded; lemmas hyaline to leathery, 3- to several-veined ( Coleanthus 1-veined), apex entire or denticulate, awned from back, rarely awnless; awn usually geniculate with twisted column; palea hyaline, subequaling or much shorter than lemma.

全部一样的小穗,有点侧面压扁,具1到数个能育的小花;脱节的通常小穗轴在下面每小花,偶尔严格加雄蕊或者无意义的更低的2的3小花和上面肥沃小花的不同外表,然后脱节的上述颖片和小花结合起来;宿存的颖片,等于小穗或长于前小花,宽的膜质具,发亮,透明边缘的通常的至少的通常;公然反对的小花结茧;透明的外稃到革质,3-到数枚脉(Coleanthus 1脉),先端全缘或具小齿,从背面,很少awnless那里具芒;用盘旋的柱子通常膝曲的芒;透明的内稃,近相等或者远短于外稃。

Based on the absorbance change of indicators with the concentration of hydrogen ion released from the enzyme-catalyzed reaction, a convenient colorimetry method is established for the assay of acidic phospholipase 〓 and glycogen phosphorylase b Brilliant yellow and bromothymol blue are chosen as indicators for assays of acidic phospholipase 〓 and glycogen phosphorylase b by following the absorbance changes at 495 nm and 615nm respectively The method is simple, sample-saving, sensitive and valid for a wide range of enzyme concentrations.

为了研究糖原磷酸化酶的激活动力学和酸性磷脂酶〓的复性过程,我们根据酶催化反应中释放氢离子浓度的变化引起相应的指示剂的光吸收发生变化的原理,建立了一种简捷的比色法,用于测定酸性磷脂酶〓和糖原磷酸化酶b的活性。选用亮黄和溴麝香草酚兰分别作为酸性磷脂酶〓和糖原磷酸化酶b测活的指示剂,在495 nm和615 nm处检测二者的光吸收值的变化,可以测定酶活。本方法的优点是,可在比较宽的酶浓度范围内进行活力测定,而且操作简单、节省样品、灵敏度高。

Results The anterior bundle of ulnar collateral ligament originates from the inferior aspect of the medial epicondyle and inserts immediately adjacent to the joint surface on the ulna near the sublimis tubercle. The posterior bundle originates from the medial epicondyle slightly posterior to its most inferior portion and inserts broadly on the olecranon process. The lateral collateral ligament arises from the inferior aspect of the lateral epicondyle. Two types of conjoined lateral collateral and annular ligamentous insertions on the ulna were observed. Type Ⅰ(61.2%) was bilobate and type Ⅱ(38.8%) was a single broad conjoined type with insertion on the ulna. The anterior band of anterior bundle was more tighten than the posterior band as the elbow flexed less than 60°. When the elbow flexed over 60°, the two parts of anterior bundle were equally tightened. The posterior bundle was tightened as the elbow was flexed more than 90°. The lateral collateral ligament was tightened gradually as the elbow moved in flexion.


TDA4864 Pinout: 8- to 32-bit and 16- to 32-bit word packing options Programmable wait state options: 2 to 31 CCLK Digital audio interface includes six serial ports, two pre- cision clock generators, an input data port, three programmable timers and a signal routing unit Serial ports provide: Six dual data line serial ports that operate at up to 50 Mbits/s for a 200 MHz core on each data line each has a clock, frame sync, and two data lines that can be configured as either a receiver or transmitter pair Left-justified sample pair and I2S support, programmable direction for up to 24 simultaneous receive or transmit channels using two I2S compatible stereo devices per serial port TDM support for telecommunications interfaces including 128 TDM channel support for telephony interfaces such as H.100/H.110 Up to 12 TDM stream support, each with 128 channels per frame Companding selection on a per channel basis in TDM mode Input data port provides an additional input path to the DSP core configurable as either eight channels of I2S or serial data or as seven channels plus a single 20-bit wide syn- chronous parallel data acquisition port Supports receive audio channel data in I2S, left-justified sample pair, or right-justified mode Signal routing unit provides configurable and flexible connections between all DAI components, six serial ports, an input data port, two precision clock generators, three timers, 10 interrupts, six flag inputs, six flag outputs, and 20 SRU I/O pins Serial peripheral interface Master or slave serial boot through SPI Full-duplex operation Master-slave mode multimaster support Open drain outputs Programmable baud rates, clock polarities, and phases 3 Muxed Flag/IRQ lines 1 Muxed Flag/Timer expired line ROM based security features: JTAG access to memory permitted with a 64-bit key Protected memory regions that can be assigned to limit access under program control to sensitive code PLL has a wide variety of software and hardware multi- plier/divider ratios JTAG background telemetry for enhanced emulation features IEEE 1149.1 JTAG standard test access port and on-chip emulation Dual voltage: 3.3 V I/O, 1.2 V core Available in 136-ball BGA and 144-lead LQFP packages Lead free packages are also available

TDA4864引脚说明: 8 - 32位和16 - 32位字包装选择可编程等待状态的选择:2至31个CCLK数字音频接口包括6个串行端口,两个前643时钟发生器,输入数据端口, 3可编程定时器和一个信号路由单元串行端口提供:六双串口数据线,在高达50 Mbps的操作/为200兆赫的每个数据行每个人都有一个时钟,帧同步的核心秒,和两个数据可以作为任何一个接收器或发射器对左对齐和I2S样本对支持,最多可同时接收或传送24个频道,每使用两个系列的I2S兼容立体声设备配置可编程方向线;港口的TDM通信接口,包括支持128个电话接口的TDM的渠道,如H.100/H.110支持多达12个的TDM流的支持下,每帧128个频道每个压缩扩展每通道的基础上选择在TDM模式输入数据端口提供了一个额外的输入路径的DSP核心配置为I2S或串行数据或7加一个20位宽的SYN -异步的并行数据采集接口通道或8通道;支持接收通道I2S音频数据,左对齐样本对,或右对齐模式信号路由单元组件之间提供所有戴配置和灵活的连接,6个串行端口,一个输入数据端口,两个精密时钟发生器,3个定时器,10个中断,六旗投入,产出6个旗,20曼谷南南区域股的I / O管脚串行外设接口的硕士或奴隶通过SPI串行启动全双工运作主从模式多主机支持开漏输出可编程波特率,时钟极性和第三期合并调制旗/ IRQ线路1合并调制旗/定时器过期线光盘的防伪特征:JTAG的访问与64位受保护的关键允许内存内存可分配给程序访问控制的限制下对敏感地区有一个代码锁相环/分比率背景遥测的JTAG仿真功能增强的IEEE 1149.1 JTAG标准测试访问端口软件和硬件多钳各种各样和片上仿真双电压:3.3六/输出,可在1.2 V核心136球BGA封装和144引脚LQFP封装无铅封装,也可

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The reasons of iron ions content overproof in grade Ⅱ desalting water system,such as variation water quality,contamination of regenerant , operation adjustment of pretreatment system and switching operation of bed were discussed.


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