英语人>网络例句>宽的 相关的搜索结果


与 宽的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Branchlets spreading, often virgate, purple-red or dark purple, smooth, shiny; leaf blade subleathery, oblanceolate or obovate-elliptic, apex obtuse or emarginate, glabrous or subglabrous; seeds abaxially with broad furrow.

小枝开展,经常是棒状,紫红色或者深紫色,光滑,发亮;叶片近革质,倒披针形的或倒卵形椭圆形,先端钝的或微缺,无毛或近无毛;种子背面具宽的棱槽。 41 R。 leptacantha 纤花鼠李

Last April, Shijiazhuang streets Director-kwan at their skin will study carefully produced slides and said, You see this 60-meter-wide roads Jingchenggaosu white belt, which is planning the culvert.


Inflorescence usually 3–11-flowered; scales on abaxial leaf surface usually saucer-shaped, with broad rim.


Sepals with broad hyaline margin; stems erect to arching with ± numerous lateral branches, often frondose, markedly ancipitous (2-edged) when young

萼片具宽的透明的边缘;拱起具的茎直立多少多数侧枝,通常,幼时ancipitous(2镶边)显著 26

Both UV and NIR lasers were collinearly focused into 2.0 atm Ar gas cell,when satisfying the conditions of space-time overlap,the full width at half maximum spectrum of UV could grow from 2.6 nm without interaction situation to 6.4 nm,a factor-of-2.5 improvement,which can provide a valid way for attaining sub-20fs ultrafast pulses in the range of UV.

将紫外激光与近红外激光共线聚焦注入2.0 atm氩气样品池中,在满足时空重合条件时,半高全宽的紫外频谱宽度可从无相互作用时的2.6 nm展宽至6.4 nm,增加2.5倍,为进一步获取该波段小于20fs超快脉冲提供一个重要的途径。

It has also been noted that compressively strained quantum well materials are more preferable for the fabrication of IEL integrated devices, as they manifest a wider gain spectrum and a more significant bandgap shrinkage effect.


Aerodynamic analysis was carried out on a flectional cascade. It indicates that flectional cascade is an excellent solution for turning angle control in compressors.


From there, the jelly would be ushered into the coral's "very simple" digestive system, a gastrovascular cavity that breaks down any food--and then back out the way it came.


A fast - running wild ass (Equus hemionus subsp.onager)of central Asia,having an erect mane and a broad black stripe along its back.


There is one primary determinant of proper saddle width: the distance between the ischial tuberosities –A.K.A.

削瘦的车手并不一定最适合the peleton's svelte,就象一名赛跑选手不一定因为宽阔的肌肉组织就需要更宽的鞍座。

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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
