英语人>网络例句>宪章 相关的搜索结果


与 宪章 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Which charter contained very few new grants; but, as sir Edward Coke8 observes, was for the most part declaratory of the principal grounds of the fundamental laws of England.


If Hamas wanted to show good will as part of its campaign to enter negotiations, the junking—or drastic editing—of its blood-curdling charter would be a telling token of intent.


Similarly, Nico Landman of UtrechtUniversity regards increasing participation of Muslims in political processes and public debates as more important than the development of an Islamic Charter, which claims to speak on behalf of "the" Muslims.

同样地,荷兰乌得勒支大学(译者注:荷兰所有13所大学中历史最悠久的一所,也是其中最好的3所大学之一)的学者Nico Landman认为,促进穆斯林在政治进程和公众谈判的参与比提议一部宪章更加重要。

Selden then construed the crucial phrase "legem terrae" to mean "by presentment or indictment." Indeed, if per speciale mandatum was within the meaning of these words,"then this Act had done nothing."

Selden 接着分析了关键词组&本国法律适当程序&是指&陈述与控告&的确,如果国王的特别命令包括在内,那么大宪章将毫无意义。

With this document the ZMD aims to promote dialogue among Muslims and not to exclude divergent opinions, says ZMD chair Nadeem Elyas.

德国穆斯林中央委员会主席Nadeem Elyas说,该委员会意图通过这部宪章促进穆斯林之间的沟通,反对不同观点之间的相互排斥。

We are delighted to welcome the newcomer CNSA of China to the Charter, bringing new and performant capabilites for providing data in case of natural disasters.


They have argued that force must sometimes be used preventively, and that they must be free to decide when their national security requires it.


Radek Sikorski, the Polish foreign minister, questioned whether the promise of mutual defence from armed attack enshrined in Article 5 of NATO's charter was becoming "diluted".


Radek Sikorski, the Polish foreign minister, questioned whether the promise of mutual defence from armed attack enshrined in Article 5 of NATO's charter was becoming "diluted".


Radek Sikorski, the Polish foreign minister, questioned whether the promise of mutual defence from armed attack enshrined in Article 5 of NATO's charter was becoming "diluted".


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We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
