英语人>网络例句>宪章 相关的搜索结果


与 宪章 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The dictatorship of Chinese Communist Party has been challenged unprecedentedly with regard to it legality.


The wampum, or beaded belt, showed two parallel lines on a pale background.

酋长们说,与其遵守《权利和自由宪章》,倒不如尊崇确定与非土著人关系的条约《the Two-Row Wampum Treaty》(易洛魁联盟与荷兰政府代表于17世纪签订,The wampum也叫 beaded belt,表示在灰白背景下的两条平行线)。

The wampum, or beaded belt, showed two parallellines on a pale background.

酋长们说,与其遵守《权利和自由宪章》,倒不如尊崇确定与非土著人关系的条约《the Two-Row Wampum Treaty》(易洛魁联盟与荷兰**代表于17世纪签订,Thewampum也叫 beadedbelt,表示在灰白背景下的两条平行线)。

Having read The Great Charter Movement, I finished chapter 8 of another novel. The characters in the book were impressive. They showed their characteristic features in their own ways. The hero, Andrew was tolerant in character. He might be characterized as a man of mercy. Andrew was in charge of a company. He met a woman by chance at a party. Her charm of manner made her popular. No other women dared to challenge her beauty. It was said she was a City Beauty champion. Andrew wanted to chase her. He decided to take a chance. He cheered up at the thought of seeing her again. The next day, after checking up on the weather chart, Andrew chartered a ship to her city. The ship followed the channel into the port. He remained cheerful throughout the trip. Once he stepped on the bank, Andrew checked in at a hotel. It was surprising that the pretty woman welcomed him so much. Andrew hoped he could stay longers, but he had to check out before next Monday. The last morning when Andrew woke up, he found his room was in chaos and the woman was gone. The TV channel was broadcasting a boring talk show. A police officer that took charge of larceny interviewed Andrew in his chamber. He told him that the woman had cheated his passessions. But Andrew forgave her completely with charity. He just wanted her back!


Ween the crown and the barons, a guarantee of the freedom of the church and a limitation of the power of the king.


In Dumbarton Oaks,Yalta,the charter of UN was finally instituted in the conference in San Francisco last year.


According to Amin, the charter is based on similar documents produced in Germany.


Like most Hamas officials, he breezily dismisses the movement's charter, with its anti-Semitic slurs and its chilling calls for the Jewish state's violent destruction.


Any person or organisation belonging in any capacity whatsoever to the Olympic Movement is bound by the provisions of the Olympic Charer and shall abide by the decision of the IOC.


The fact that each permenant member is entiled with veto by U.N.Charter aims to give them obligations to seek unity,which leads to many issues submitted to the Security concile.


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We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
