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与 宪章 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Since 1989 until now, the University of Bologna, has carried out the largest decentralization programme in the history of Italian Universities, establishing new university campus branches in 4 towns in Emilia-Romagna: Cesena, Forlì, Ravenna and Rimini. The academic offer is extremely wide.

1988年9月18日,博洛尼亚大学 900周年校庆之际,来自世界各地的430所大学校长云聚博洛尼亚,共同签署了欧洲大学大宪章,并正式承认博大为所有大学的母校。

Early renewal of the bank's charter became the primary issue in the reelection of President Andrew Jackson.


Such documents or charters are vulnerable to criticisms concerning their representativeness and authority.


Including but not limited to Cox Express, RoadRunner, Cox High Speed Internet, Charter or Optimum Online, Time Warner Cable.


"I am pleased to announce agreement among the ASEAN Foreign Ministers - Philippine Foreign Affairs Secretary Alberto Romulo told media – on the inclusion of a provision in the ASEAN Charter that mandates the creation of a human rights body".


Belfast's modern history began in 1611 when Baron Arthur Chichester built a new castle there. He did much to encourage the growth of the town, which received a charter of incorporation in 1613. Belfast survived the Irish insurrection of 1641, and by 1685 it had a population of about 2,000, largely engaged in brick, rope, net, and sailcloth making. By the late 1730s the castle had been destroyed, but Belfast was beginning to acquire economic importance, superseding both Lisburn as the chief bridge town and Carrickfergus as a port. It became the market center of the Ulster linen industry.

贝尔法斯特现代历史的开创得益于巴顿·阿瑟·齐切斯特。1611年,他在此建造了一座新的城堡,并采取多种措施促使城堡扩张。1613年,合并宪章生效。1441年,贝尔法斯特在爱尔兰暴动中幸存。1685年,城镇人口已达2 000人左右,大部分人从事砖、绳、网及海帆的制造。18世纪30年代末,城堡被毁,但贝尔法斯特此时已显示出其在经济上的重要性,取代了交通重镇利斯本和港口城市卡里克弗格斯,成为阿尔斯特亚麻工业的中心市场。

There's not been a year in recent memory without three or more Super Grand Slams reported on local charter boats, with sailfish, blue, black and striped marlin released on the same day.


Poland"s capital since 1038, Krakow, the bustling trade center of Slavonic Europe, entered its golden age in the 15th century, when this historic charter was sealed. Under the 45-year reign of King Casimir IV, Poland emerged as one of Europe"s greatest powers and a thriving cultural center.

波兰的" S资本自1038年,克拉科夫,繁华的商贸中心斯拉夫欧洲,进入了它的黄金时代,在十五世纪时,这个历史性的宪章是密封的情况下, 45年间国王卡西米尔四,波兰出现了,作为一个欧洲的" S最大的权力和欣欣向荣的文化中心。

Poland's capital since 1038, Krakow, the bustling trade center of Slavonic Europe, entered its golden age in the 15th century, when this historic charter was sealed.


Until the middle of the last century, London had its great Charter Fair at Smithfield, but that has now vanished, as have also the famous Gingerbread Fairs in Birmingham.


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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
