英语人>网络例句>实现计划 相关的搜索结果


与 实现计划 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Or you might discover that your goals aren't realistic and you need to cut back on them, reprioritize, or push them back a bit in order to meet them.


We would like dealers to fully utilize these incentive programs to develop effective local marketing plans that will promote the retail volume and dealer profit in Jan-Feb.


We would like dealers to fully utilize these incentive programs to develop effective local marketing plans that will promote the retail volume and dealer pro fit in Jan-Feb.


We have been at this a long time. It was over 14 years ago that you began your run for governor and over ten years ago that we started thinking and planning about a possible run for the presidency.


2 Implement company's Marketing plans and achieve sales target.

执行公司的营销计划和实现的销售目标。3 Technical

This tool can completely help users in the management work of their development and make the right choice to their decision; Supporting the synchronization work of requirement and test, realizing the unification management of requirement, testing case and defect, and improving the software quality and work efficiency; Self-defining to the attribute and workflow of requirement, testing case and defect, which the customer can redefine according to what they need.


Becoming self-educated is just as important, if you are to understand the rationale behind what it is you're trying to achieve, and if you are to implement a workable plan to get there.


Her design capability embodied not only in thousands of buildings completed, but also in the art of planning and layout and the sequent implementation.


Silva sincerely believed that everyone is put on Earth for a reason and it is up to us to fulfill this plan.


Sneath plans to buy a cottage on Mullett Lake in northern Michigan and maybe a new fishing boat or two to help him land the walleye he loves to catch.

斯尼斯计划在密西根被捕 Mullett Lake处买一幢小屋;也许再买一两艘新渔船实现自己喜欢捕鱼的梦想。

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We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
