英语人>网络例句>实现 相关的搜索结果


与 实现 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The properties and expression of knowledge are discussed in brief and binary and multiple truth expression and inference of knowledge are studied focally. The neural networks which can realized the three valued logic are overviewed. The new idea of uncertain inference based on three valued logic is proposed for the first time The models of neural logic, which can realize three valued logic and uncertain three valued logic inference are proposed, too. The learning algorithm of coefficient of MVL's function based on the canonical realization of MVL network is investigated for the first time and the appropriate algorithm is proposed.


In chapter 4, basing theories and methods of scientific visualization, and artificial neural network BP algorithm, we integrate the Visual C++, OpenGL graphics library and Excel VBA technique to develop the program of artificial neural network and to make the BP algorithm visually, this program works can be divided into four parts: Using C language to develop program about BP algorithm; Using Visual C++, develop the GUI Interface, make input parameter visually; Using OpenGL graphic technique to display the training sample point in three dimension; at last using Excel DDE technique display the error graphic tables in Excel system In chapter 5, on the view of engineering application, we establish new method of surface reconstruction basing artificial neural network, develop interface program between module and commercial CAD/CAM system, meantime deeply discuss some key problems, for example, setting up the base plane, using the API technique, cutting and editing surface boundary, and also discuss the more compliant problem: how to intersect surface, at end we finish the work of translation from our surface reconstruction module to commercial CAD/CAM system, then make reverse engineering system basing artificial neural network more useful.

第四章基于科学计算可视化理论,依据人工神经网络BP算法理论模型,综合Visual C++,OpenGL图形库以及Excel VBA等多项软件开发技术,编制了人工神经网络程序,实现了BP算法的可视化映射。具体工作分为四部分:利用C语言实现人工神经网络BP算法;利用VisualC++的GUI技术开发图形用户界面,实现参数设置可视化;利用OpenGL图形技术进行三维映射,显示学习样本及训练样本点;利用微软电子表格DDE动态数据交换技术,在Excel上动态显示学习误差曲线图。第五章从工程应用的角度出发,提出了一种新的基于人工神经网络算法的曲面裁剪重构方法,完成了曲面重建模块与通用CAD/CAM系统的接口设计工作,对其中的若干关键问题进行了深入讨论,例如基平面设定、API技术的应用、边界裁剪等问题,同时,对曲面计算中较为困难的曲面相交问题也进行的专门探讨,最终完成了曲面重建模块向CAD/CAM系统的数据传输工作,使人工神经网络逆向工程系统趋向实用。

The company established typical product templates to meet the transmogrification design requirements through configurations, applied the group technology to establish the enterprise parts library to realize the design standardization realized the dynamic control on product development through flow and project management, and established the enterprise resource library.

建立以 PDM 为纽带的工程设计信息管理系统,实现产品的版本及生命周期管理,有效而安全地进行产品设计;建立典型产品模板,通过配置来满足变形设计要求;应用成组技术建立企业零件库,实现设计标准化;通过流程与项目管理,实现产品开发的动态控制;建立企业资源库。

Buck and Boost topology switching power conversion circuits as the core of this system, ultra low power MSP430F1222 microcontroller-based controller, microcontroller produced by the PWM pulse width modulation signals, respectively, two-way control switch voltage conversion circuit the turn-on and turn-off in order to achieve the above two kinds of topology switching power conversion circuit, and then to draw power from the flow of electrical energy has been filled into the rechargeable battery, and using microcontroller A / D input voltage implementation of the monitoring, according to the input voltage switching buck - circuit at a lower cost to achieve a highly efficient energy transfer, and the circuit is simple, the parameter to determine easy, self-low power consumption,to achieve full-featured.


The main research of the thesis is the implementation of batch data interchange function based on ETL. UDI has two main characteristics. First, by the separation of source systems and target systems, the platform provides data exchange among the systems to avoid point to point communication. Second, the data process of source systems is consolidated by platform based on the systems common requirements. The data extraction is implementated from the simple data exchange to the more complicated view of business logic.


Primarily, the thesis assays the condition of network framework, the network was divided into three levels in terms of network management in order to establish the distributed method ,and still pointing out the intention and denotation of studying the Topology Discovery.Next, the thesis analyzes SNMP protocol minutely, including its development, principle, and the Network Management system that established on the SNMP protocol. Have analysed MIB in detail and the application way of MIB in network management .The thesis also assays the ICMP protocol, describing its working principle and the format of datagram minutely , and describing two important tools of ICMP- Ping and TraceRoute in detail. On the base of upper analysis, the thesis expounds a kind of distributed Topology Discovery project, and book it in one autonomy system. Topology Discovery was divided into two levels in terms of network management, and analyses the way of linking up between the two level. The thesis minutely assays Router-Level Topology Discovery technology basing on SNMP and Subnet-Level Topology Discovery technology basing on ARP and ICMP. According to these analyses, the thesis explores the specific methodology and the technology of XML data object which using the WinSNMP API to achieve topology discovering system on the development platform of Visual C++, and also analyses the technology of topology analysis and topology graph minutely. Moreover, the thesis assays the technology of basic firewall and Topology Discovery response strategy. Finally, the thesis analyses the underlying blind problem of the topology finding, and also analyses the reason that the blind problem produced and the way that reduced. The distributed algorithm that this paper puts forward has a certain directive significance in wireless network or other fields.

本文首先分析了网络结构状况,将网络从网络管理的角度划分为三个层次,为分布式的方法奠定了基础,同时还指出拓扑发现研究的目的及意义;接着本文分析了SNMP协议,详细分析了SNMP协议的发展状况,协议的工作原理,以及由SNMP协议基础上建立的SNMP网络管理体系,详细分析了MIB,以及MIB在网络管理上的应用方式;本文又分析了ICMP协议,详细描述了ICMP的工作原理和数据报格式,并详细描述了ICMP的两个重要工具-Ping 和TraceRoute;然后本文在结合上述分析的基础上,提出了一种分布式的拓扑发现方案,将拓扑发现拟订在一个自治系统内,将拓扑发现从网络管理角度划分为路由器级和子网级两个层次,分析了两个层次之间的衔接方式,同时从拓扑地域的角度将拓扑发现过程分布化,分析了分布式算法的具体方法和分布式结点之间的数据通讯方法,本文详细分析了基于SNMP的路由器级拓扑发现技术和基于ARP和ICMP的子网级拓扑发现技术;根据这些分析,本文利用XML数据对象作为分布式算法中的数据对象,分析了XML的技术,本文使用Visual C++开发平台实现网络拓扑发现系统,详细分析了使用WinSNMP API实现基于SNMP的路由器级拓扑发现和基于ARP的子网级拓扑发现,分析了使用Winsock编程实现基于ICMP的子网级拓扑发现,本文还对拓扑分析和拓扑图的绘制技术作了较细致的分析;本文最后还分析了基本防火墙技术,分析了几种类型的防火墙对拓扑发现带来的影响,以及在拓扑发现时的应对策略,本文还分析了拓扑发现中可能产生的盲点问题,分析了盲点产生的原因以及拓扑发现中减少盲点的方法。

With computer technology, especially the rapid development of network technology, more and more parallel computation are transferring from traditional, special, and super computer platform to the system that is constituted by cheaper, universal, loose coupling, and with single or multiple processors personal computers or workstations.


Precise describe of geometry structure is an important premise to realize numerical simulation, but the diesel model refers to intake system, exhaust system, turbocharger system, fuel injection set, cylinder and crank case etc, which have complex structure, therefore, if the geometry model is established as true structure, it will spend a great lot of time and it is unrealizable and unnecessary.


In a study of nineteen sets of twins who had been separated from birth,investigations found that in approximately two thirds of the sets there were no more significant defferences than existed among unseparated pairs of twins.

大约三分之二的双胞胎之间的差异并不比未分开抚养的双胞胎之间的差异显著。上述句子形式上都是肯定的,但是意义上却是否定的。第一句通过free词缀实现否定意义,第二句通过no …… more than来实现否定意义。像这类句子就叫做暗否定。一般情况下,英语句子中的暗否定可以通过句子、短语和词来实现

It\s favorable for the Group Company to maximize the value of the Group.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
