英语人>网络例句>实现 相关的搜索结果


与 实现 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

From the viewpoint of the wireless networks, the sources of network-induced delay are identified for a class of WiNCS built on the WSN. Because the routing severely affect the total round-trip time delay in this WiNCS, a novel routing algorithm that can minimize the total round-trip time delay is proposed, the detailed implementation of the algorithm is introduced.


The ADC is pipelined, including a single-input/difference-output sample/hold circuit and nine stage subcircuits. The preceding eight stages are 1.5bits/stage, and the last stage consists of two comparators. Every input sample is converted into 18 bits binary signals, and these binary signals are converted into 10 bits binary signals through digital correction circuit.


The mechanisms in daily life, including the scissors-style crank-linked expansion and contraction gate, an expanding and contracting clothes rack, a sawhorse work table, etc., feature linear expansion and contraction.


This new platform, considering the relationship among teaching, learning and managing, solving the conflict of resources share and intelligence prosperity, adopting latest theory on learning and mature technology, has more advantages than the existing platform. Firstly, it integrates the advantages of Internet and Satellite communication system and achieves the seamless connection. Secondly, it adopts the coding technology of streaming media with MEPG-4, which makes it possible that the on-line instruction, the schedular broadcast instruction and the distributed course ware on demand can be broadcast on the two networks. Thirdly, it considers the problems of security, user certification and the protection of intelligence property. Fourthly, it is possible to link education resources from all united university, and is able to share resources for lifelong learning individuals or group.

此次清华大学远程教育播出平台的改造,本着现有平台与未来需求相结合;最新的学习理论与成熟的信息技术相结合;资源传输与对学生的学习支持相结合;教育资源开放与知识产权保护相结合的设计理念,综合考虑了远程教育环境中教、学、管三方面的需求和关系,因而具有多方面的优势:新平台整合了互联网和卫星网各自的优势,在技术上实现了天网与地网的无缝连接;新平台对传输的教育节目采用 MPEG-4编码方式进行流媒体播出,在传输上实现了基于两种网络的实时课堂直播、录播和基于互联网的分布式课件点播的多种需求;新平台集资源加密、用户认证和授权等功能于一体,可有效地保护远程教育中的知识产权;新平台将各联盟学校的教育资源进行整合后重新提供给学习的个体或团体,较好地实现了资源共享。

The module of data managementintegrates and renews planning data and basic data. The modules of month production planning and produc2tion scheduling have production planning and production scheduling programmed. C onsequently productionplanning and production scheduling can be quickly and effectively obtained. The module of rolling planning responses promptly to the change of information and makes rolling planning possible.

数据管理模块实现计划数据与基础数据的集成以及数据的及时更新;月本论文由无忧论文网 www.51lunwen.com 整理提供计划编制与生产作业计划编制模块使计划工作程序化,实现计划的快速有效编制;计划滚动模块及时响应信息的变更,实现计划的滚动编制。

In addition, a parallel method is presented for the special condition in that the M parallel sequences can be obtained from the same polynomial, and this method can be used for scrambler of signals generated by word or byte multiplexing such as STM-n multiplexing in SDH. For non-linear register systems, the paper presents a linearization matrix parallel method.


As the development environment, SQL SERVER 2000 is regarded as the database server , static news of the classification of the news, template, front desk of page self-defining to turn into, and authority and backup person who shrink a series of functions of database , administrator of backstage supporter ,, have finished all functions of a static news briefing system, realize the course has adopted a large amount of JAVABEANs to realize the complicated logic operation to the database and server..

摘要本系统采用JDK 1.4.1作为开发环境,SQL SERVER 2000作为数据库服务器,实现了对新闻类别无限级分类设置,静态新闻的发布修改删除,前台页面的模板自定义和生成,以及后台管理员权限和数据库的备份收缩等一系列的功能,完成了一个静态新闻发布系统的所有功能,实现过程了采用了大量的JAVABEAN来封装对数据库和服务器实现复杂逻辑操作。

The self-devotion spirit of employee means employee to business enterprise organization of mission and vision approve highly, aware of self oneself life value of the realization integrate the macroscopic vision of business enterprise organization of realization in the middle go to, fulfill the mission and carry out a vision but offer a kind of worth mindset that own utmost effort works for the business enterprise organization voluntarily.


In addition,Distributed maintenance and transaction of Anycast service request and Anycast tree information is achieved,and load balance is fulfilled.


In addition, this model accomplishes the distributed maintenance and transaction of Anycast service request and Anycast tree's information so it fulfils the load balance.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
