英语人>网络例句>实现 相关的搜索结果


与 实现 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This paper proposes a new method, witch makes use of Master station system of distribution automation, then distributional equipment can realize guard gainst mistake operation.


The measured object can be found within a few milliseconds in the raster-scan image. 4 . Two lines delay for the processed image is implemented using two 128×8 shift registers with the configurable logic block in FPGA. A new fully pipelined bit parallel hardware architecture for Sobel edge detection is implemented with FPGA. Furthermore, it takes no more than 2ms to complete the edge detection of an image with 128×128 pixels.

视觉检测信号的前端处理技术 1、系统地分析了视觉检测算法层次性特点和计算特点,提出了提高视觉检测信号处理速度的基本方案:采用前端处理系统,自动识别被测物体在获取图像中的位置,并将真正有用的被测物体的边缘坐标值,提供给计算机,作进一步的高精度处理; 2、系统研究了实时图像硬件处理的设计基本方法,提出了基于FPGA的视觉检测信号的低级处理算法硬件实现模块化模型; 3、提出了一种新的基于FPGA的模板匹配并行模块化结构,解决了二维图像处理高带宽要求,在几毫秒内就可以在按扫描顺序输入图像中找到检测目标物体的位置; 4、采用FPGA内部的可配置逻辑块实现了128×8移位寄存器的设计,解决了大容量移位寄存器与FPGA内部寄存器数量之间的矛盾,实现了两行图像的延迟。

Finally it can achieves information exchange and share, achieves pellucid management on goods over the open Internet.


Only by eradicating commodity enslavement and human slavery, is it possible to realize man's rich perceptibility, to make the all-round and free development of each individual fully come true, and to ensure that humans are really liberated.


An optimized structure based on polyphase decomposition is introduced after discussing the implementation structure of the correlator.


The optimized processing parameters including screen print and hot pressing were obtained. In order to reduce error, the method of double-face screen print in key electrode layer and stepped press were used. Ceramics are dense after sintering. The thickness of electrode is about 5μm. The test fixtures based on microstripe for SMD were design and fabricated.


Therefore, the purpose and realization of the interaction are discussed, and this paper emphasizes on the interaction between television variety and youth culture should grow and interact with "Privity", that is to say a positive interaction.


It makes up of the prolegomenon, the concepts and structure of short message service of GSM, the peripheral circuit design of TC35i module and the realization of short message service, the function realization of the control system, the structure design and function realization of the terminal system and the design of wireless communication system.


The supervision system has realized IT property condition real-time functions and so on examination, network and operational channel initiative monitoring, prompt short note early warning, has realized from servicers' passive sighting report breakdown to the system failure automatic detection transformation, reduced the breakdown discovery and the solution time greatly, enhanced the network and server's maintenance level effectively; Simultaneously establishes a set of top-down initiative running attention management system, realized the Huhhot Center Sub-branch to arrive at the county sub-branch's integrated management again to the pledge town center sub-branch.

监管系统实现了IT 资产状态实时查看、网络和业务系统主动监控、及时短信预警等功能,实现了由业务人员被动的发现报告故障到系统故障自动检测的转变,大大缩短了故障发现和解决时间,有效提高了网络和服务器的维护水平;同时建立起一套自上而下的主动运行维护管理体制,实现了呼和浩特中心支行到盟市中心支行再到县支行的一体化管理。

Firstly this paper dissertates the significance, principle, workflow and characteristics of remote digital proof. Moreover, it puts forward the color management scheme of remote digital proof. And then, through experiments, it describes the process of native digital proof, including setting up ICC Profile which reflects printing characteristics, basic linearization and digital proofer's linearization, setting up ICC Profile which reflects characteristics of digital proofer's paper and ink, and so on. On the basis of that, the process of remote digital proof is set up and realized, including setting up original proof and remote proof. Besides, the chromatism and resolvent is analysised. The color consistency between the two digital proofers is realized. Finally, by setting up RSA digital signature of remote digital proof, the security of network transmission and validity of digital signature is assured.

本论文首先阐述了远程数码打样的意义、原理、组成及特点,并提出了远程数码打样的色彩管理解决方案;然后,通过实验说明了本地数码打样的输出过程,包括创建反映印刷工艺特性ICC Profile、数码打样机基本线性化及数码打样机线性化、创建反映数码打样机纸张、墨水特性的ICC Profile等等;在实现本地数码打样输出的基础上,基于Best Remoteproof建立和实现了远程数码打样,包括创建本地校样和远端校样;并且分析了色差数据以及解决方法,实现了两台远程数码打样机之间的色彩一致性;最后,通过建立远程数码打样的RSA数字签名方案,保证了网络传输数据的安全性以及数字签名的有效性。

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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
