英语人>网络例句>实现 相关的搜索结果


与 实现 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The author mainly realized the method of generating the large random numbers and judging the prime number using Lehmann means,then three pairs of secure key with different lengths (256 bits,512 bits,1024 bits) was generated to meet the demand of different security grade. In encryption module,modular multiplication arithmetic of large number was realized adopting addition chaining. In decryption module,extended Euclid was used to get inverse,and the Chinese remainder theorem was used to realize decryption,which increased the speed of decryption greatly.


Where the debt transferred, the concerned right of mortgage is transferred simultaneously, unless otherwise provided by law or agreed by parties. According to the word, the mortgagee and the mortgagor may agree that the mortgage of ship is not transferred with transferred prime debt. But they cannot agree that the right of mortgager is apart from the prime debt to transfer or become the right of mortgage for other debt. Where the debtor' performance ability and credit is better, as well as the debtor and the mortgagor are the same or have affiliated relation, it is possible that the right of mortgage is not transferred with transferred prime debt.


For the partial products generation, the novel method of Booth encoding combined with partial products generating is put up, which can directly map the multiplicand and multiplicator to partition products without generating the BOOTH encoding results. For the optimization of Wallace tree adding, the series formulas of full-adder and 4-2 Compressor realization are introduced to guidance the selection. For the non-bias round, forwarding round disposal in Wallace tree method is brought forward to avoid the final multi-bit adder. Also, the idea of delay-oriented partition of the MAC frame is put up to achieve the perfect match with multi-pipeline DSP architecture.

提出了一种构建多模式算法最小并集的MAC通用结构思想与一种划分MAC通用结构以适应多流水级DSP处理器设计的通用MAC设计方法;对于BOOTH编码和部分积产生,提出了直接建立被乘数与部分积的多路选择映射关系的BOOTH编码和部分积联合产生方法;对于最优Wallace树型加法实现,提出了全加器和4-2 compressor电路实现Wallace树加法所需的关键加法路径级数公式以指导实现选择;对于无偏舍入处理,提出了在Wallace树处理舍入问题的舍入运算前置方法;提出了以时延为导向的MAC各部分单元组合与流水线匹配具体方法。

The implementation processes of those two algorithms on smart card with cryptographic coprocessor are explained separately. The implementation process of RSA includes modular exponentiation and modular multiplication. The process of ECC includes the selection of base field and coordinates, scalar multiplication and field operation.


The four aspects are mainly optimized in this thesis: ABC classification is combined with fuzzy evaluation, which is applied in the inventory classification of automotive parts, and a right model is established for the classification management; the stock is controlled with order point and multistage programming and the flow charts are designed for reducing the inventory cost and assuring the smooth produ


Report : Programming Environment : Newton MATLAB7 K polynomial interpolation procedures to achieve Romberg of Quadrature program Gaussian out PCA Elimination of the program.

计算方法实验报告:编程环境:MATLAB7.0 牛顿K次插值多项式的程序实现龙贝格求积公式的程序实现高斯列主元消去法的程序实现

Report : Programming Environment : Newton MATLAB7 K polynomial interpolation procedures ...

计算方法实验报告:编程环境:MATLAB7.0 牛顿K次插值多项式的程序实现龙贝格求积公式的程序实现高斯列主元消去法的程序实现

As one part of the project, the dissertation is developed with thelocalization problem in mobile robot navigation. Combined with "MobileRobot 1 of Central South university (MORCS-1)", a mobile robot designed byus that equipped with a 2D laser measurement system to sense the environmentand the proprioceptive sensors such as the odometry, gyroscope to calculate itsdead reckoning, the approach about the four kind uncertainty factors of mobilerobot localization is studied. These researches include that the error analysisand calibration of position sensors is implemented to reduce the measurementnoise, the 3D kinematic model of mobile robot is built to gain the accuratepose in complex terrain, some work on the automatic detection of static ordynamic obstacles based on laser scanner is investigated to eliminate thedynamic influence of the environment and to realize the reliably absoluteposition, and lastly a robust algorithm is presented to involve the incrementalenvironment mapping and self-localization of mobile robot with unknown dataassociation and to improve the self-localization performance of mobile robotunder unknown environment.


Next the MCU control the interface circuit of telephone to accomplish simulated off-hook, then auto-dial by dial-up circuit of DTMF, and play the phonetic information which has been recorded beforehand by phonetic circuit, to tell the user of the emergency which has occurred so that they can take corresponding step on time.

当红外探测器检测到警情的时候,就会向单片机发出中断请求,再由单片机控制电话接口电路,实现模拟摘机,通过 DTMF 拨号电路实现自动拨号,并由语音电路通过电话完成播放预先录制好的语音信息,实现语音报警,来通知用户发生警情,以便让他们及时的做出相应措施。

Hibernate's ORM can mapping one object to many tables,can mapping several types of associations and class inheritance.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
