- 与 实体 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Secondly, to low-class hotels, excellent outcome quality and interaction quality can significantly improve customer satisfaction, but the physical environment quality can't significantly improve customer satisfaction, and the outcome quality plays a more important role; excellent physical environment quality and interaction quality can significantly improve customer loyalty, but the outcome quality can't significantly improve customer loyalty, and the interaction quality plays a more important role.
To create the partial class for the Product entity, right click the Product entity in the LINQ to SQL designer, select "View Code" and a partial class is created for the Product entity.
This paper explores shareholder approach, material approach and investment approach to cash flow, and it is concluded as follows: Net present value calculated is equal for shareholder approach and material approach, but for fixed assets investment projects, shareholder approach is far more concise and workable than material approach and provides direct cash flow information with clear and useful economic significance. Investment approach analyzes forecast cash flow for investment projects from a different angle, not only offering additional managerial accounting information, but also testing the properness of and providing theoretical support for shareholder approach and material approach.
Secondly, the author analyzes the relation of both fictitious economy and real economy and argues that the former not only rely on deeply the latter, but also it has huge retroaction on the latter, World fictitious economic development indicated each country must be faced with the coming of fictitious economy,.
Suppose you were to ask me whether the body is self-sufficing or has wants, I should reply: Certainly the body has wants; for the body may be ill and require to be cured, and has therefore interests to which the art of medicine ministers; and this is the origin and intention of medicine, as you will acknowledge.
This paper develops 3D graphics with OpenGL and draws three-dimensional entities visualization by spatial point set .
In the studies of nation and nationalism, the substantialism is important.
On entity aspect, instead of the complex spatio-temporal topological problem, the identification and decomposition method corresponding to synchronous change of entities with hierarchy structure was paid much more attention to.
Financial system promotes the growth of enterprise substance value and virtual value, one side, financial system promotes the growth of enterprise substance value and virtual value by working on enterprise capital structure, corporation governance; on the other hand, it improves enterprise substance value by working on core knowledge and capabilities of inside.
The results indicated that sclerotia was an important sign and a necessary stage in the formation of the fruit body;light,temperature and humidity were the key factors;"Beiqi"residue can stimulate the forming of the sclerotia and the fruit body;the most suitable culture areas for Morchella were poplar forest land and apple orchard;and woodash and poplar-root soil can promote the forming of the fruit body.
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With Death guitarist Schuldiner adopting vocal duties, the band made a major impact on the scene.
But he could still end up breakfasting on Swiss-government issue muesli because all six are accused of nicking around 45 million pounds they should have paid to FIFA.
Closes the eye, the deep breathing, all no longer are the dreams as if......