- 与 定相的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
After filtration process, the results showed that the filtration effect of sewage was satisfactory. DTA and XRD patterns showed that the membrane calcined at 1000℃was composed ofγ- Al_2O_3, t -ZrO_2 and amorphism SiO_2, the phase transformation wasn't occurred until 1200℃.
DTA和XRD分析表明,经过1000℃煅烧后的复合膜中,主晶相为γ-Al_2O_3和t -ZrO_2,SiO_2以无定形态存在,复合膜经1200℃的热处理后仍然没有发生γ-Al_2O_3向α- Al_2O_3的相变。
In analyzing the symmetrical element features of power system, the definition of circulator element and circulator node is developed.
The system at higher temperature becomes thermodynamically more stable, and raises the diffusion exchange rate of solvent and nonsolvent at the interface according to the diffusion kinetics. For the PANCMA/DMSO/ system, with the addition of DMSO to nonsolvent, the cloud point curves shifts to the polymer-nonsolvent axis, and the homogeneous phase region is broadened, system becomes thermodynamically more stable and needs more nonsolvent mixture to induce liquid-liquid phase separation.
Model predictions are qualitatively consistent with experimental observations of regions of the buffer exposed to the highest temperatures,which indicate precipitation of secondary phasesanhydrite ± amorphous silica(opal-CT ± calcite and alteration of Na-smectite to Ca-smectite ± saponite.
模型的预测值能够定性地与高温下缓冲区的观测试验值相吻合,表明次生矿物的沉淀无水石膏±无定形二氧化硅(opal-CT±方解石和由 Na 基蒙脱石变为 Ca 基蒙脱石±皂石的相交替过程。
Taking Changling County, Zhenlai County and Da'an City of Jilin Province as researchareas, based on remote sensing data, graphics operation and spatial analysis are carried out indifferent points of views, including temporal, spatial, scale and landscapeetc; all aspects analysis of this dissertation are abstractively expressed by digital graphics andseries of curves which are not stick to one pattern to discussing multi-dimension andcomplicated attributes of the salinized process. Linking up temporal-spatial characteristicswith landscape indices while combining mathematics model and Geo-informatic TUPUmodel, this dissertation puts forward the fundamental frame: temporal-spatial evolvementpattern, spatial extension process analysis and landscape characteristics analysis of salinizedland. Temporal-spatial evolvement pattern analysis extracts the essential quantity features andtransformation modes of salinized land, and also analyzes patches spatial geometricalparameters scale feature; spatial extending process analysis discusses the change rate andecological modes; landscape feature analysis utilizes landscape graphics indices to describesalinized land microcosmic graphics features and changes.
The definition of generator angle is proposed in this paper. A new method to deduce generator angle by using rotor rotation signal is illustrated, which compares the phase difference between GPS timing pulse and RRS. Using only mechanical signal, the technique unfreezes limitation of zero-cross of generator terminal voltage during transient process. Automatic correction of initial generator angle is also proposed .
本文介绍了同步发电机绝对转子角的定义,提出了一种测量绝对转子角,进而获得高精度的相对转子角的方法;此方法不使用机端电压过零整形脉冲,而是将机组键相脉冲与GPS 定时脉冲比相,并能够自动整定初始位置角,因此,测量结果不受发电机运行状态的影响,能够在各种运行方式和扰动情况下获取高精度的绝对转子角。
Its basic principles ars as follows, the principle of crime and penalty provided by law; the principle of punishment commensurate with offence; the principle of individual responsibility for one's own offence and oppos...
Firstly, the steady state statistical properties of the logistic growth model with colored noise are analyzed when the unified colored noise approximation is applied. It is found that the noise correlation time and the coupling between noise terms can induce first-order-like phase transition and re-entrance phase transition phenomenon.
首先,用统一色噪声近似理论分析了含有色噪声的Logistic 增长模型的定态分布函数,发现噪声相关时间τ和噪声间的耦合λ均能诱导一级相变类比和重复相变现象。
The determination of the plumb-line coordinate system, relating to three ground control points and their cooresponding images on the photograph, means a determination...
A new method of oscillographic titration for the determination of nitrogen content in flour is described The sample was digested with H 2SO 4 Na 2SO 4 CuSO 4 Oscillographic titration is conducted on NH + 4 with Na TPB method,then calculate the nitrogen content Compared with standard methods,this method choose innoxious titrant,has a sharp titration endpoint, needs no distillation absorption and indicator It has the advantages of being easy and quick in operation,and the determination re...
研究了面粉中蛋白质含量的示波滴定法。样品用H2 SO4 Na2 SO4 CuSO4 消化处理,N以NH4 +的形式存在于试液中,用过量四苯硼钠沉淀铵,沉淀过滤,过量的四苯硼钠用氯化四乙基铵标准溶液返滴定,以四苯硼钠切口消失为终点,计算出氮含量,再换算为蛋白质含量。与通用的标准分析方法相比较,本方法所用试剂无毒,终点变化敏锐,不需蒸馏吸收,不外加指示剂,具有操作简便、快速,测定结果准确可靠。
- 推荐网络例句
I am accused of being overreligious," she said in her quiet, frank manner,"but that does not prevent me thinking the children very cruel who obstinately commit such suicide.""
Designed by French fashion house Herm è s, this elegant uniform was manufactured in our home, Hong Kong, and was the first without a hat.
由著名品牌 Herm è s 设计,这件高贵的制服是香港本土制造,是我们第一套不配帽子的制服。
Do not 'inflate' your achievements and/or qualifications or skills .
不要 '夸大' 你的业绩或成果,条件或者技能。