英语人>网络例句>定时 相关的搜索结果


与 定时 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

CaSiO〓 came out to be major crystal phase in glazes with high CaO/MgO ratio. Relatively, melilite and clinopyroxene became major crystal phase when CaO/MgO ratio neared 1 or when MgO was more than CaO.


Since the timers are clocked by the system clock, there is no need for additional components.


The diagram schematics are figured out by using commonly-used chip named 555 timer and 74LS90 conter, tests are given on the simulation in every unit, simulation effect of circuit can be observed in a direct and clear way.


Result]The main error of radiographic assessment was found in the less affected compartment and at superficial cartilage defects. Radiographs allowed preoperative assessment of the degree to which varus or valgus angular deformity was correctible.


Radiographs allowed preoperative assessment of the degree to which varus or valgus angular deformity was correctible. the accuracies of the cartilage defects, which were noyes ⅱb,ⅲa,ⅲb, measured by mr imaging were 66.7%, 75% and 65.5%. but mri can not predict if the preoperative varus/valgus deformities were correctible.

结果]摄片组误差主要发生在对oa较少累及间室及较浅表的软骨缺损情况进行判定时,能够鉴别膝内/外翻崎形能否被动矫正。mri判断noyes ⅱb,ⅲa,ⅲb软骨缺损的准确率分别为66.7%, 75%和 65.5%,但不能判定膝内/外翻崎形能否被动矫正。

Results Single-factor analysis indicated that there were significant associations between occurrence of esophageal cancer and familial history of esophageal cancer,positive serum ,HBsAg,poverty,dentinalgia for long period,smoking watery tobacco,alcohol drinking,taking meals at irregul...

结果 单因素分析:食管癌家族史、血HBsAg阳性,生活在温饱线下,长期患牙病、吸水烟、饮酒、三餐不定时,进食过快、过烫、常食腌菜、咸鱼肉、重大精神刺激、常生闷气,O型血共 14项与食癌有关。

Possible durations include the following categories: timed duration; instantaneous; permanent; concentration; subjects, effects, and areas; touch powers and holding the charge; discharge; and dismissible.

可能的持续时间包括以下几种类型:定时,立即,永久,专注,对象、效果和区域(Subjects, Effects, and Areas),接触型异能和暂不散发(Touch Powers and Holding the Charge),能量散发,解消。

The software can record the eachcirculating time that equipments circulate to record with thehistory, with machine and with settle print data, statement,curve...etc., record at the same time many the item breaks downwith affairs occurrence.


The results of simulation show that three-winding single-phase capacitance motors with wye-connected drive ventilated machine load can proceed to AC braking to realize fast stopping. The capacitance number of changes can regulate system braking stopping time. When capacitance is certain, can establish the resistance to limit the electric current and electromagnetical torque in stator circuit during the braking process, regulating braking stopping time.


Theoretical analysis shows that with equispaced null-subcarriers or data subcarriers, the CFO estimation are independent to channel zero locations.


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I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
