英语人>网络例句>定居的 相关的搜索结果


与 定居的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It's a changing world. Some two and a half million people now dot the plains once dominated by Pawnee and Osage Indians; and where the Oregon and Santa Fe Trails were forged, cities like Kansas City (which sits smack dab on the Kansas-Missouri border), Topeka, and Wichita grow.

这是变化的世界,250万人现正定居在原Pawnee 和奥色治印地安人统治的土地上,并且在那里俄勒冈和圣达菲的经历正在重演,象堪萨斯市(座落在堪萨斯州和密苏里州的边境上)、托皮卡以及威奇托的壮大,虽然本州的经济仍然以农业为主,但她以其温和的态度以及拥有丰富的资源城市吸引着大量的新定居者,他们带来了新的资源以及比其引以自豪的牛镇更有价值的世界公认的好处。

Martha Bigelow, Letitia Basford and Esther Smidt.(2008)."Supporting Hmong Newcomers' Academic and Social Transition to Elementary School." Journal of Southeast Asian American Education and Advancement 3: 1-22. This article reports on the perceptions teachers and educational assistants had about how well Transitional Language Centers and a Language Academy program met the needs of elementary aged Hmong children resettled in the Saint Paul Public School system from Wat Tham Krabok. View this article online

玛莎·毕格罗,利蒂希娅·巴斯福德,以斯特·施密特,2008,美籍东南亚裔教育与发展期刊,2008年第3期,第1-22页;题目为&协助苗族定居者在小学阶段的学术和社会过渡&,这片文章主要是报告了过渡语言中心的教师和教育协助者的看法和见解以及语言中心的一些项目如何满足那些刚从泰国Wat Tham Krabok(要是我没记错的话,Wat Tham Krabok本来是泰国的一个苗族难民营,2004年还是06年泰国决定关闭这个难民营,所有的难民都迁往美国定居了)的苗族孩子们在明尼苏达州圣保罗公立学校系统中的需求。

During the early growth stage of seedlings, basal stem diameter and paripinnate number were decreased with the increasing of shade, taproot length, root : shoot ratio, total dry weight and leaf area per seedling were maximal under 37.3% NS, specific leaf area was increased with the increasing of shade, but the relative growth rate was declined. Seedlings grew fastest under 0.6% NS, suggesting that nutrients stored in seeds played an important role at the early growth stage. The treatment of 37.3% NS was best for established seedlings in seedling height, basal stem diameter, paripinnate number, rachis length, the maximum sub-leaflet number of individual paripinnate, leaf area per seedling, relative growth rate and net assimilation rate. Light intensity was positively correlated to total dry weight, and negatively to specific leaf area. The maximum of SLA was observed under 15.5% NS.

生长早期的幼苗基径和复叶数随遮荫程度的增加而降低;主根长、根冠比、总干重和单株叶面积均以37.3% NS处理最大;比叶面积随遮荫程度的增加而增大,而相对生长率则降低;幼苗株高在0.6% NS下增长最快,表明种子中贮藏的营养物质对幼苗的早期生长可能具有重要作用。37.3% NS处理对定居后绒毛番龙眼幼苗的生长最有利,幼苗的株高、基径、复叶数、叶轴长、复叶最多小叶数、单株叶面积、相对生长率和净同化率均在37.3% NS处理下获得最大增长;幼苗总干重随光照强度的减弱而降低;比叶面积在15.5% NS处理时最大。

The treatment of 37.3% NS was best for established seedlings in seedling height, basal stem diameter, paripinnate number, rachis length, the maximum sub-leaflet number of individual paripinnate, leaf area per seedling, relative growth rate and net assimilation rate.


Nestled in a leafy grove is a white marble temple of love and a fake-peasant hamlet that was the pet project of the days before the revolution , she retreated further and further from her blue-blooded reality , ending uo at the hamlet, where she could tend her perfumed sheep and manicured gardens in a hatch-happy wonderland.


Nestled in a leafy grove is a white marble temple of love and a fake-peasant hamlet that was the pet project of marie-antoinette.in the days before the revolution , she retreated further and further from her blue-blooded reality , ending uo at the hamlet, where she could tend her perfumed sheep and manicured gardens in a hatch-happy wonderland.


A solo exhibition by Los Angeles based Hong Kong born Chinese female artist, Stella Lai, whose series of paintings and wall installations weave a wonderfully adventurous and exciting tale of Chinese female warriors, with seductive foxy tails, challenged by tigers, fire-spitting dragons, panda spirits, reflect the nervous condition of the aggressive and obsessive Chinese society today.


The Namibian tourism industry was just cutting its teeth, and community-based conservation approaches were almost non-existent.


Appointed governor of the new Indiana Territory in 1800, Harrison had the job of defending and extending white settlements, and he did so by going back into battle. In 1811, as the threat organized by the Shawnee Indian chieftain Tecumseh grew stronger, Harrison successfully led about a thousand men against a Shawnee uprising on the Tippecanoe River on Nov. 7. He earned the nickname "Old Tip," but more importantly the rank of brigadier general and was given command of U.S. forces in the Northwest.


In 1813 he printed and published privately an extraordinary poem, Queen Mab, which expressed his protest against religion, his hatred of all forms of tyranny, and his belief in a new golden age.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
