英语人>网络例句>定居的 相关的搜索结果


与 定居的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Taiwanese were unwilling to be slavers of Japanese, so they rose up in resistance. A special resistance power is the aboriginal people settling down in Taiwan.


The Synod of Dort was an international church assembly called by the States General of the Netherlands to settle certain ecclesiastical and doctrinal matters that had been troubling the Reformed Church of the Netherlands.


It has been assumed that the name of the city of Sittakê in Mesopotamia , the capital of Sittacene, is derived from Babylonian URU Sattag,"city of the Sattagydians", in which case the town may have been a colony of eastern military settlers or deportees.

这是假定的名称城市Sittakê在美索不达米亚的首都Sittacene ,来自巴比伦乌鲁Sattag ,&城市的Sattagydians &,在这种情况下,镇可能是一个殖民地,东部地区的军事定居或驱逐出境。

Such are forests and other waste grounds, which were omitted to be appropriated in the general distribution of lands: such also are wrecks, estrays, and that species of wild animals, which the arbitrary constitutions of positive law have distinguished from the rest by the well-known appellation of game.


The development of animal stock husbandry experienced change from increasing use of land to expand production, original and nomadic way of production to settled, many-faceted and modern way of production.


The foreign moon shines bright, but no more brighter or dimmer than the one you and I shared many a night. You cuddle close in my arms. The cicadas and the crickets sing their songs. The sweetness of jasmine fills the night.


The capital and largest city of Hawaii, on the southeast coast of Oahu. Honolulu's harbor was first entered in 1794 by a British navigator. Settlement of the area began in 1816, and the city soon gained prominence as a whaling and sandalwood port. Today it is a major tourist center.


The presence of calcic horizon availed the invasion and residence of A. frigida which is a relatively shallow-rooted plant. In conclusion, the ultimate cause for the succession of A. ordosica community mainly contributes to the changes of soil substrate, especially the formation of calcium carbonate.


About a year ago, he says, he worked his contacts to gain connections to government officials in cameroon. then he flew several confidantes to yaound? the capital, to make their pitch. his key programmer went along to handle the technical details.


1 Therefore I will deliver you into the possession of the Easterners. They shall set up their encampments among you and pitch their tents; they shall eat your fruits and drink your milk.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
