英语人>网络例句>定居的 相关的搜索结果


与 定居的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

To settle down in one place requires a reliable food supply, so the discovery of granaries is no surprise.


Huddled masses from all over the globe have come here for centuries in search of a better life.


Vikings from Scandinavia, who pillaged and settled areas of Britain and Ireland from the end of the 8th century


If the mitochondrial analysis is correct, then because mitochondrial Eve represents the root of the mitochondrial family tree, she must have predated the exodus and lived in Africa.


METHODS: A 16-item questionnaire (65 subcomponents) was developed, pretested, revised, formatted, and mailed to rheumatologists residing in Australia. Responses were obtained from 136 rheumatologists (response rate 58%).

制定一份含16条项目的调查问卷(65个子项),对其进行预测试、修订并定型,再将其寄给定居澳大利亚的风湿病学家,从136名风湿病学家处获得返馈信息(回应率58 %)。

Native Americans, called the Anasazi, lived along the Grand Canyon long before Europeans ever set eyes on it. The Anasazi, who are thought to be the ancestors of the present-day Hopi, lived in caves and pit houses along the edges of the canyon in pueblos.

早在欧洲人发现大峡谷前,美国原住民:阿纳萨齐人就已经定居在此处了;阿纳萨齐人被视为现今霍皮族印地安人的祖先,他们住在 pueblos,大峡谷边上的洞穴及窑屋。

More than 10,000 North Koreans have resettled in South Korea, and tens of thousands hide in China.


In April 2008 he moved to Shanghai, where he is now residing and working.


In the meantime I am so busy scrimping and saving, that I can't afford to go out with friends, I can't afford to live in a nice home, and I am miserable because I am not living in France.


The couple had settled in their native Australia by the time Nicole was three years old. By 14, she was starring in the Oz movie Bush Christmas, and three years later took home the Australian Oscar equivalent for Vietnam.

妮可三岁的时候,这对夫妇在祖国澳大利亚定居。1 4岁时,她第一次登上银幕,在《丛林圣诞节》一片中出镜,三年后她因出演《越南》而荣获与奥斯卡齐名的澳大利亚电影学院最佳女演员奖。

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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
