- 与 宗教上的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
However, it is not 'naturalistic' in the sense that the religion does include super natural or transcendent belief.
We are not obliged to sound the Bishop of D---- on the score of orthodoxy.
At present it is not infrequently employed in an opprobrious sense, to designate the religious practices of oriental fanatics as well as those of the Christian saint, both of whom are by some placed same category.
Religion consists of a dimension which is outward and another which, upon the basis of this outwardness, leads to the inward.
As to the fuction, a mosque is designed with the problem of a silent prayerful atmosphere in mind.
"In this world of a million religions,everyone prays the same way."
What I have told you is not related to the religion, Pure Land is the hometown of any people in this world!
There were also roses hats a cloth to walk over and a religious ceremony with salt.
History is replete with examples showing followers of different faiths committing atrocities in the name of religion.
History is replete with examples showing follower s of different faiths committing atrocities in the name of religion.
- 推荐网络例句
Breath, muscle contraction of the buttocks; arch body, as far as possible to hold his head, right leg straight towards the ceiling (peg-leg knee in order to avoid muscle tension).
The cost of moving grain food products was unchanged from May, but year over year are up 8%.
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