英语人>网络例句>完整群 相关的搜索结果


与 完整群 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This was the reason of no mature ovum in worker. But worker has a potential ability to turn into reproductives because of its complete differentiation stage and the growth stage in oogenesis.


By using PSO method, the optimal control input signal is obtained and the optimal trajectory of the nonholonomic motion planning can be found.


But just in such an era, the full sense travel phenomena in China appeared. A group of people that claimed to have "The Weijin Poise" played a carefree and peripatetic music of travel in suffering and anxiety, which formed the first peak in Chinas tourism history.


If the data are well fitted to the regression plane, the estimates of regression parameters α and β, will lead to estimates of the trapped argon composition and the radiometric age for sample.


Of Baidu Hi roll out, what should do is mere be united in wedlock with these confluence just of course, baidu Hi accomplished these already for instance: Baidu has the export of nonstop individual data on Hi face plate, the export that friendly data of many become reconciled concerns arrives directly entirely on the webpage individual information and traditional IM software for instance QQ differs right-down QQ is the success that has QQ software first again stage by stage the individual is in the data of the webpage, group, the space of mature product QQ that offers till finally is final, QQ completed the whole system that software reveals to the individual information of the webpage


These dyke swarms are undeformed and unmetamophosed with beautifull flow structure to show the characteristics of Precambrian magma activity, which is rare in the world.


Particle Swarm Optimization is used to design the nonholomic motion planning algorithm of the unicycle.


Zymosis equipment manufacturing base and zymosis backward positions equipment manufacturing base were established in Changzhou and Shanghai,also includes some long term cooperation base of famous biological engineering automation manufactures and bological engieering cooperation equipment manufactures such as Honeywell,Mettler-Toledo.Hamiliton,Panasonic,SEW,Siemens,Taiwan Fusheng,Gemu,Domnick hunter,Changzhou FanQun Desication ,Changzhou No.2 ChemicalMachinery Manufacture CO.,LTD and Hangzhou Xing yuan etc..

三高生物针对我国生物工程产业才刚刚起步,尚未建立起从"生物技术、生物工程设计、生物工程设备制造,到生物工程生产线建设和工艺调试"完整的工业体系,目前各企业都只能够提供单一品种服务的现实局面,在国内率先将国家推广多年的产学研模式,进一步上升到"三高生物制造链"模式,形成以常州三高生物公司"生物技术与生物工程设备一体化服务"为龙头,以国内众多著名院所基础技术支撑,在常州、上海建立了液体发酵设备制造基地以及发酵下游设备生产基地,以及包括美国Honeywell、瑞士Mettler-Toledo、新加坡EUTECH、日本Panasonic、德国Hansen、德国SIEMENS、台湾复盛、德国GEMU、英国domnick hunter、常州范群干燥、杭州兴源等在内的国内外著名生物工程自动化仪表和生物工程配套设备制造商为长期配套基地。

The memory was represented in the spatiotemporal firing pattern of the neurons, and the m...


This imbalance depletes the pool of neuronal progenitors so that fewer cells can be made to build a complete and functional cortex.


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No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
