英语人>网络例句>完整群 相关的搜索结果


与 完整群 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Especial, forv=36 and 76, the methods to construct D_(3×4)K_(36 and D_(3×4)K_(76 are differentfrom the methods used above. The above small designs are constructed byusing complete orbit and abelian group while the D_(3×4)K_(36 is constructed byusing short orbit and the D_(3×4)K_(76 is constructed by using short orbit andnonabelian group.


You can have an entire comic strip with one central character or a large group of them.


The main difference is the core business of information products group, responsible for the personal computer marketing information products and services; electronic services group, to complete the advanced information technology and management of the giant structure, providing customers with innovative Juju high economic efficiency of micro-electronic Services and solutions, management and investment management group, responsible for creating the best interests of long-term investment, stability, Acer's business environment and help Acer e-Business cause of expansion.


For organizing vegetation submodel, started with the bottom-up gateway to agglomerate plot-data. The vegetation types must be confirmed before predictive vegetation mapping, therefore designed a transforming program to combine 585 plot-data from different surveys for the purpose. But the result of the classification and ordination of the combined plot-data couldn't display comprehensive vegetation types of Taiwan, because the plots were insufficient and disproportionate. Consequently, this study adopted the top-down gateway to divisive vegetation. After referring to Taiwan and east-Asia vegetation research papers and American national vegetation classification system etc., the physiognomic classification scheme of Taiwan had been drafted as vegetation submodel. The scheme included 4 levels: 2 classes, 5subclasses (subarctic, coldtemperate, cooltemperate, warmtemperate, subtropical), 8 groups (based on phenology and types of predominant leaf) and 16 formations (based on moisture regime and predominant taxa). And, the scheme dealt completely with the diverse nomenclatures of vegetation types in the past.

为建立植群亚模型,首先依「整合大量样区资料,由下而上的低阶植相聚类」之途径,设计建档程序及转档程式,成功整并不同来源之585个样区资料,但因样区数目不足且分布不均,分析结果未能显示出台湾完整的植群类型;故转循「预先设定植群类型,由上而下的高阶形相分类」之途径,经参考他国植群分类系统及台湾、东亚植群分类研究报告,订定分类原则及架构,提出4阶层之潜在植群形相分类方案:(1)寒原、森林2类群系纲;(2)亚寒带、冷温带、凉温带、暖温带、亚热带5类群系亚纲;(3) 8类群系组表徵优势植群之叶片的物候与形态;(4) 16类群系说明其水分境制及优势分类群;此方案统一处理了过去各种有关植群划分之纷岐名制,方案之各阶植群类型亦即本研究之植群亚模型。

Finally, PNV had been mapped according to Boolean discrete methods to connect climate submodel and vegetation submodel by GIS. PNV map first represented the spatial distribution of all vegetation types of 4 physiognomic levels in Taiwan, also integrated the diverse comments of altitudinal vegetation zones and geographical climatic regions in the past. Besides, the scattered ranges of 36 dominant trees in the moisture-thermal regime and climatic zone had been drawn via coordinating 585 plot-data with MWI and WDI.


The second part deals with renormalization group equations in general gauge field theories. In this part, the complete set of two-loop renormalization group equations in general gauge field theories is presented.


When any impairment occurs, the barrier can no longer exist and may result in enterogenous infection and multiple system organ failure and the burn patient may be in a serious state.


No entire nitrendipine crystals were observed visually in SEM photos. The results of X-ray diffraction and differential scanning calorimetry analysis indicated that the crystalline form of nitrendipine was highly dispersed in microspheres, so as amorphous state. The drug release rate of microspheres could be controlled with adjusting the ratio of solid dispersion carriers and retarding agents formulated. The agitation speed and temperature of the preparation process have distinct effect on micromeritic properties of microspheres. The release profiles of the microspheres were mainly affected by the stirring rate of paddle, the concentration of SDS and pH of dissolution medium. Cooling speed and time, however, have no evident influence on the drug release rate of the microspheres. The dissolution data showed that the mechanism of drug release from microsphers was mainly diffusion-controlled. The incorporation efficiencies of 3 batches sample were exceed 96. 8%, which implied that the current method was suitable for design sustained-release dosage form for poorly water-soluble drug.


Currently, Midea has the most sizeable and complete Air Conditioner production chain and Microwave oven production chain, holding the most sizeable and complete small household appliances and kitchen appliances industry groups, with products of residential AC, commercial AC, large-scale central AC, electric fan, electric cooker, refrigerator, microwave oven, water dispenser, washing machine, electric warmer, dish washer, induction cooker, water heater, cooking utensils, sterilizing cabinet, electric chafing dish, electric oven, vacuum cleaner and small household appliances, as well as the household appliances accessory products, such as compressor, electric motor, magnetron, transformer and enameled wire etc.


In order to provide confidential and integrated communication service for group applications, PAGKA, IAGKA and AGDH are implemented and integrated with a reliable group communication system Spread to constitute a layered secure group communication platform prototype.


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I'll try to bring the conversation around to the subject of money.


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