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与 完整系统 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Based on this,as a example of a axletree manufacturing enterprise in Jiangsu provinces design of production management information system.Utilizing UML,the thesis analyzes the realization of the information system in the company from the field of demand and problems,it establishes static,dynamic behaviour models,object view,database models,the component and deployment view,it brings out a comparatively complete designing course of information system.


Besides, the following two features of the book seem to be very incomprehensible: on the one hand, the book includes a full-scale version of Western astrology, not only medical and meteorological one permitted by the Catholic Church, but even natal astrology forbiden by the chruch as well; on the other hand, at the high time when the Tychonic system of calendrical astronomy constructed by Johann Terrenz Schreck (1576-1630), Johann Adam Schall von Bell (1591–1666) and Giacomo Rho (1593-1638) had been contributed by Schall himself to the newly founded Qing dynasty which had officially adopted it immediately, Smogulecki was preaching in the book a system based on Philippe van Lansberge's (1516 – 1632) heliocentric astronomy, and openly claimed that Schall's Tychonic system still committed a number of deficiencies and was outdated, and therefore should be replaced with the Lanbergian system.

另外,该书的两大特点也令人不解:首先,其中包含有完整版本的西方星占学知识,不仅包括天主教会允许的医学和气象星占,而且还包含受教会禁止的生辰星占;其次,在汤若望(Johann Adam Schall von Bell,字道未,1591–1666)等人介绍到中国来的弟谷天文学系统已经被清朝政府正式采纳,传教士的信誉已经微妙地与这种天文学系统紧密地联系在一起的情况下,穆尼阁居然在书中介绍了以哥白尼"日心地动"说为基础的斯伯格(Philippe van Lansberge, 1516 – 1632)天文学,而且还公然宣称,汤若望引进的系统存在许多不足之处,已经过时,应该用兰斯伯格的天文学加以取代。

A three-dimension orientation tracking device is developed based on the algorithm, in which the sensor employs a three-axes fluxgate magnetometer and a clinometer.


The mixed sown pasture of white clover and cocksfoot, which was the most typical grassland type on the Yun-Gui plateau, and the ideal beef cattle varieties such as shorthorn and cross-bred breed cattle by three components , which were adapted to be raised and grazed on the pasture in the south of China were studied as follows: Firstly, the basic data regarding pasture production, beef cattle production, grazing management and running management inside and outside of China were collected in flocks on the basis of collectivity optimization for beef cattle grazing system on sown pasture and a whole set of system of indicator management for beef cattle production had been studied on the whole aspects in order to manage every factor affecting on grazing system in fix quantity.


The two kinds of symmetries in holonomic and non-holonom-ic mechanical systems,i.e.symmetries of differential equations of motion(ab-breviated as SDEM)and symmetries of Noether-type,and interrela-tions among all kinds of symmetries are investigated.The necessary and suffi-cient conditions of SNT to be SDEM are found out.It is pointed out thatSDEM have distinct geometric properties which are equivalent to the geodesiccharacteristic of differential equations of motion and geodesic deviation.


And the _Poetics_ cannot be accounted an exception. For one thing the treatise is fragmentary. It originally consisted of two books, one dealing with Tragedy and Epic, the other with Comedy and other subjects. We possess only the first. For another, even the book we have seems to be unrevised and unfinished. The style, though luminous, vivid, and in its broader division systematic, is not that of a book intended for publication. Like most of Aristotle's extant writing, it suggests the MS. of an experienced lecturer, full of jottings and adscripts, with occasional phrases written carefully out, but never revised as a whole for the general reader.


Design a complete set of stage lighting control system for the hardware and paint a complete circuit diagram of principle, schematics and wiring diagram.


All electrical equipment of ballast pump, level sounding system are installed completely, and connection correctly


From all the work a set of complete methods of analyzing and calculating fatigue reliability of structure systems are put forward. The fatigue reliability of structure systems can be calculated by searching failure modes and using the series-wound model composed of the failure modes.


The compositions of cell membrane intact polar membrane lipids of bacteria and Achaea and their applications in the researches of biogeochemistry and microbial ecology are summarized in this paper. The recent progresses of IPLs applications are reviewed, with emphasis on those microorganisms that play a specific role in biogeochemical cycle, such as anaerobic ammoniumoxidizing bacteria, anaerobic methanotrophic Achaea, ammoniaoxidizing Achaea and marine Crenarcheota with tetraether lipids, or those special ecological systems, such as hydrothermal vent, cold seep and marine deep biosphere.


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This paper analyzes the compound attractor structure of a new three-dimensional autonomous chaotic system.


ON shut rivals out of their transmission systems and shy away from reinvesting their profits in network improvements.


Objective: Elucidate the medicinal licorice species circumscription in order to develop licorice resources in China and select new cultivars.
